Chapter 7: Sunrise

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Hyuna POV
I walk around the garden and sit down on a bench while seeing the sunrise it remind of about oppa before he dead i miss him so much... I feel someone arms around my shoulder when i turn around it was
Xiumin "Xiumin oppa.." I said with smile "what are you doing here?" He ask
"Nothing seeing the sunrise it remind me of my oppa.." I said and look down to my feet
"Don't be sad my sunshine" He said and hug me so tight "I-I...can't breath" I said and he let go
"So tell me a story about your oppa.." He said "waeyo?" I said "nothing just want to hear about your oppa" he said
Meanwhile inside the house
"Hyung!" Sehun yelled
"What wrong?" Luhan said "where did my phone go!" Sehun whine
"That all.. It up your bed geez.." Luhan said and continue seeing out the window
"Bacon!" Chanyeol yelled "STOP CALLING ME BACON!!!" He yelled
"Geez...calm down guys?" Suho said "did you see D.O?" Kai ask "wae?" Chen said "i just finding him." Kai said and went back to his room "where is Hyuna?" D.O said "she outside in the garden with Umin hyung" Tao said
Back to the garden
Xiumin POV
I wonder what the others doing inside? Oh is that Kris what is he doing there "oppa is kris oppa?" Hyuna said pointing at Kris "yes it him?" I said to her "maybe he seeing sunrise to.." Hyuna said
"Hey Kris!" I call him "what?" He said and walk to us "what are you doing here?" I ask him
"Just seeing the sunrise of course..." He said and continue seeing the sunrise "They you guys are" Baekhyun said "oh you seeing the sunrise" Tao said and seeing the sunrise together
Enjoy next chapter

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