🍋🎂Keiji Akaashi | Just The Way You Are

Start bij het begin

Ko was telling another one of his over the top stories, when another person came by your table, "Excuse me, I was just wondering if we could borrow your sauce" the guy asks, rocking back and forth on his feet as his eyes wandered to one after the other people at your table. His eyes continue to look, before they come to a full stop to look at you. You were a little tipsy thanks to the two almost three Shirley Temples you'd drank, your eyes droopy, and you could tell his eyes were on you. Your head lolled up, locking eyes with his. He looked you up and down, slowly turning his head the other way as Kotaro offered him the sauce you guys weren't using. 

A frown was etched onto your face, the guy going back to his table which coincidently the one just behind yours, which you hadn't noticed before. 

The woman at the table said something to him, something you couldn't hear, but what the guy said next made your eyes widen

"Don't worry babe. I would never. She was fat anyways."

Your breathing stopped momentarily, your body shooting up from its place leaning on your boyfriend, which of course alerted your boyfriend, "Hey, what's wrong? Is everything okay?" he asks, quickly sitting up to places his hands on your arms. 

You looked back, trying to find the bathroom to make your escape before you looked back to him, "Mhm" you nodded your quickly, "I just really need to go to the bathroom" you said, pulling your arms away from his grasp to walk fast to the bathroom once it was in your eyeline. 

Once in the bathroom alone you softly shut the door, turning your back to it and leaning your head against it as you let out a stuttered breath. 

That guy was a nobody. So why did his words effect you so much? Is it because they were true? 

You turned your head, looking at your reflection in the mirror. The guy wasn't wrong. You definitely knew women that were skinner than you. And it didn't help that you were also big-boned, helping accentuate your broad shoulders. You looked down to your stomach, gathering the fat in your hands through your shirt. And you sighed, tears stinging your eyes as you tried to just come to terms with the fact that this is how you were born. You'd always been chubby, and you'd always hated it. But right now, you hated yourself even more. 

You splashed some cold water on your face, wiping under your eyes and waiting a little bit before you went outside so your eyes weren't really red. 

You took your earlier seat, Keiji stopping his conversation with Tetsuro to check on you, "Hey is everything okay?" he asked softly, placing a hand on your arm as you sat down. 

You again try to discreetly pull your arm from his grasp, 'I can't have him holding my arms, they're too fat' 

He noticed when you tried to pull your arm away, only holding it tighter in your grasp, "Love. What's wrong?" he asks again, and you bite your lip, actually debating on whether you should tell him the problem or not. But in the end you shake your head, giving him the best smile you could muster at the moment, "Nothing. I'm fine, I swear" you respond, taking a sip of the water in front of you. 

Keiji looked at you with sad eyes, trying to continue his conversation with Tetsuro and Kotaro. 

Once the food arrived you ate some, picking around at your plate and listening to the guys talking. Once everyone had finished their food, the four men collectively agreed they should order cake for desert for Keiji's birthday. The waiters and waitress came out with a lit birthday cake, everyone, including you, singing him happy birthday while he just sat there embarrassed, blushing slightly and rubbing the back of his neck. 

You all cheered as Keiji cut the cake, the waiter and waitresses going back to their jobs while the four of you continued to cheer for Keiji and his day of birth. 

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