🍋🎂Keiji Akaashi | Just The Way You Are

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CW‼️: Praise Kink, Breeding Kink, Slight Sir Kink, Akaashi x Chubby reader, Marking, Affirmations, Very loving sex cause I love Akaashi




You let out a long sigh, taking some of your fat in your hands and squeezing it together. Your eyebrows downturned and a frown overtook your features, you didn't like this. 

You'd tried to fix it, you'd even tried to ignore it, but at this point you couldn't handle anymore. You changed from your t-shirt and jeans into one of your boyfriends hoodies and a pair of your shorts, going back to planning out tomorrow's day. 


The next day, December 5th, came around quickly, and when you were getting ready for the dinner, you avoided anything tight, short, and then some. You didn't want to make your boyfriend look bad on his special day, so you just chose a flowy dress shirt and a pair of bellbottom jeans. You were very tempted to just throw a hoodie on top of your outfit in attempts to hide your insecurities, but you knew you couldn't do that since tonight's dinner was at a formal setting, well semi-formal at least. 

Your boyfriend pokes his head into the room, eyes quickly searching before they land on you and your outfit. His face quickly turns to one of confusion as he enters the room, sneaking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. You startle, jumping a little when he nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck, "Hey. I thought you were gonna wear that dress tonight?" he asks, swaying you both side to side as he looked at you in the mirror

You swallow the lump in your throat from how bad you wanted to cry, you couldn't tell him that you were too fat to wear the dress. What if he made fun of you? You cleared your throat, prying his hands off from around your midsection you cross your arms there instead, looking at him with a forced smile, "Oh, I just didn't think it would be too good for this occasion after all. So I just changed" you responded, quickly trying to find some chores around your shared bedroom to busy yourself with. 

Your boyfriend looked at you weird as you ran about the room cleaning stuff that didn't need cleaning. A frown graced his features, but he just sighed, walking away and deciding to talk to you about it later. He knew that when you didn't want to talk about something at the moment, you didn't want to talk about it at that moment. 

When you made it dinner you did your best to put on a smile, even though you were subconsciously pulling down your shirt every other minute in fear that someone would notice the thing you were most insecure about. 

"Hey! Hey! Hey! You guys are finally here! It's not like you guys to be late" Kotaro said first, perking up in his seat when he noticed you and your boyfriend walk through the door

"Hey Bo's right. Traffic or something?" Tetsuro asked, and though you knew it was meant with no harm you still narrowed your eyes at him, flipping him off to which he just laughed, holding his hands up in a false surrender, "I don't know who shit in your hair this morning but it wasn't me" he responded, just making you roll your eyes, though you could admit that Tetsuro was funny at times

"Oh my god, just let them sit down so we can get this started. There's way too many people here and I don't like it" the blonde beside Tetsuro complained, shrinking down in his seat.

The older male just laughed, ruffling Kenma's hair, "Oh Kenma, charming as always" he grinned, showing off his pearly whites, and for some reason that made you relax. Maybe being here with all yours and Keiji's friends helped you to forget about your problems for a while. Once you got your drinks the four men continued to laugh, Keiji's arm draped loosely over your shoulders to keep you close to him. You just listened idly to their conversations, sipping on your Shirley Temple as your head leaned onto your boyfriends shoulder. 

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