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ابدأ من البداية

"Do you mind if we join you, Y/N?" Jacob asks out of the blue. "Yeah, it's fine." you reply.

Timeskip, Jacob's POV

He was with Y/N and Evie. The group had split up to do other things, probably a tactic to not get reported by anyone. He and Y/N had talked a bit, avoiding the subject of what happened that morning.

"Where do you want to go?" they ask. He gets snapped out of his thoughts. "The mall?" Evie suggests. "Sure, but there are some people there I'd like to avoid." they reply.

"Is it that fucking dick?" he asks. "I still have my crowbar on me and I want to bash his head in until I see blood and his skull breaks."

"No, it's a trio of whores I'm better off not interacting with," they reply. "And I mean actual prostitutes."

"Names?" Evie asks.

"Maria (not the character from AC 1), Celina, Maddy," they reply. "Trust me, you don't want to interact with those three."

"Do they need a crowbar beating as well?" he asks.

"Maybe," Y/N hums. "Depends on what they do."

Timeskip, Your POV

You, Evie and Jacob were currently at a table in the mall's food court, eating Greek food. You had been talking with the twins, getting to know them and they seemed to be kind people. You see Eric from the corner of your eye and quickly wolf down your food so you can leave before he sees you.

"What is it?" Jacob asks.

Shit. He noticed. "Him," you say, looking at Eric, feeling panic. Jacob grips his crowbar ready for round 2, but you stop him. "We can pretend like we're not here, but I don't know if it'll work," you say. "If he walks up to me, you have free reign to go at him again."

He puts the crowbar away, although he's still tense. 

As expected, Eric walks up to you, but with Maddy on his arm. "So," he says. "You're a fat pig now?"

You ignore him, as he isn't worth wasting your time and energy on. "He's talking to you," Maddy said, her voice just as shrill and annoying as you remembered it. "Don't ignore him."

"Funny, coming from a whore," you say coldly. "Why do you hang around with a failed abortion like him? He'll rape you too and when that happens, don't come crying to me."

You feel Eric grip the back of your head and Jacob loses it. He grabs his crowbar and embeds it deep into Eric's head on the sharp side. Blood blooms in his platinum blonde hair and he yells out in pain. People were starting to look, but they went back to eating and whatever they were doing.

"Don't you ever," Jacob says to Eric in a low, dangerous tone. "Call Y/N a whore and a fat pig after what you've done to them. You and that whore on your arm fucking disgust me. How much did you pay to have her on your arm, cunt?"

"This isn't your business," Maddy says to Jacob. "Stay out of it."

"Oh I think it is my business when you insult and abuse my friend." he snaps back.


You had only known him for a few hours and he already considered you a friend.

"Y/N, I thought you had better taste in friends than this," Maddy says, turning her attention back to you. "Such a shame."

"I thought you had a better taste in clients," you spat. "But it looks like you don't. Tell me, when he gets you pregnant, will you abort it or face judgement from the entire school by carrying it to term?"

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