Chapter 7: My Emotional Support Person

Start from the beginning

Warner gasped, placing a pudgy hand on his chest. "Rowena, how could you?"

Rolando snapped his fingers. "Flores, could you please wait until the meeting is over to pass gas? Also, stop jeering because of Karen's funeral. We know you and Gina are friends but—"

"I wasn't heckling you, Rolando!"

"Can we please move on?" Sylvia Finch, the new assistant manager, shouted. She crossed her arms at her chest and was tapping her foot against the tiled floor.

Rolando cleared his throat. "Yes, well, the mariachi singers are gone, so business should pick up. The police department has allowed us to re-open the female restroom at the front of the store. A few staff members suggested placing a memorial plaque inside the stall in honor of Karen. For obvious reasons, we are not proceeding with that idea."

"Why would anyone want to do number two while staring at Karen's face?" Rowena muttered to Liam.

Rowena thought of the time she brought cold supreme pizza for lunch and stored it in the breakroom fridge. While Rowena was working, Karen ate all of her pizza toppings. When it was time for her lunch break, Rowena opened her lunchbox, only to find pizza bread with lapped up tomato sauce. It was like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas-- the lunch edition.

Rowena's eyes narrowed, thinking of Karen. "Wait, I take that back. I get it."

"The next bit of news is to introduce Ms. Sylvia Finch. She is the new assistant store manager. She will handle the Sweeter Homes Beauty pageant."

Sylvia stepped forward and eyed everyone as if she were trying to identify a potential criminal in a police lineup. Rowena instinctively stepped behind Liam. "My name is Sylvia. I want it known that I'm a stickler for the rules. I'll be running the pageant, as Mr. Sanchez said. Keep in mind, I dislike cheaters. Do not try to bribe me or I will disqualify you. Do not try to suck up to me or I will disqualify you. I do not know who killed Karen but if it was one of you," her eyes bore into Rowena. "I will disqualify you."

"If we breathe funny, will she disqualify us too?" Rowena asked Liam with a snicker.

Sylvia's beady eyes honed in on Rowena like an eagle spotting roadkill on the side of a deserted highway. "Yes."

Rowena shuddered and took and took another step behind Liam.

"Yes, well, thank you for reminding us not to get disqualified, Sylvia. We also have two new employees. Carmen Cruz and Angelina Moon. Let's give them a warm welcome," Rolando said.

"Her last name is Moon?" Rowena asked Liam. "She doesn't deserve a cool last name."

A wave of applause reverberated throughout the room. Rowena refused to clap. Two of her enemies were invading her workspace, and she didn't believe it was a coincidence.

"The sign-up sheet for the pageant is outside the breakroom. Please fill in your names so you are eligible to take part. Again, the prize is a trip to Hawaii. The winner also gets to compete in the national Sweeter Homes pageant to win ten thousand dollars."

Liam whistled under his breath. "I may have to apply too."

"I believe it's only for women," Wendy said, straightening her glasses. "But if I win, you can accompany me on my trip to Hawaii, Horatio."

"Back off, four eyes," Carmen said, shoving her way between Liam and Wendy. "Liam is mine."

Wendy frowned. "Liam? His name is Horatio."

Rowena leaned forward to give Wendy her attention, a sly grin on her face. "Liam is what his stalkers call him."

Liam coughed to cover his laughter.

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