Chapter 18

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Although civilization societies around the universe do not recognize that the beginning of the solar calendar in 1895, that is, 2648, the 17th era of the Dragon King Calendar, is the beginning of its era, there is no denying that it is indeed an important dividing point of the second transitional era. In the Transitional Era before it, the influence of the Era of Stars was still great, but after that year, everything in the Era of Stars disappeared. The forces of the space pirates were severely hit, and many large pirate groups were completely wiped out. Only the New Solari is still a place where pirates are rampant. The trade industry has become more and more standardized, and large transport companies have replaced chambers of commerce. The universe is getting smaller and smaller. Galaxies that once took several months to arrive can now arrive in more than ten days. People are also closer to each other. The way of communication using communication panels is being replaced by the Information-wave communication of civil space-communicators. As long as two communicators on different planets are close enough, they can even communicate in real time through hyperspace information transmission. This technology is gradually replacing the quantum communication in the the Era of Stars, and will gradually establish an information network that can span the universe. Everything shows that in this year, a new era has arrived.

However, nothing important happened this year, and everything went on as usual. The Third War of the Royal Houses, which affected the whole universe, has been in its third year. All countries in the Rowtonia continent have invested a lot of manpower and material resources for it, and this is only because of an imperial edict from the Emperor of Nakonia. In addition, another big event in the universe was the founding of the Grand Duchy of Sirius, but this small country with only three provinces and less than two trillion people had no fame at all. As for the Antarctica, those two people who will have a profound impact on history in the First Antarctic War - Sompon-Napkin and Archego Kiwiva, at this time, one is the local warlord of Gosontoi, and the other has just graduated from college. In a word, there was no specific event in this year. It seemed that it was an ordinary year, but in fact, it was an important dividing line of the Transitional Era, and some people even took it as the dividing point between modern times.

In any case, for the Era of Stars, it was completely over in this year. Although the legend of the Era of Stars is still handed down by people, written in books and forever recorded in history, but all this has passed and a new era has arrived. The Era of Stars is the most brilliant era among the three big spaceflights, which has created a unique sublimation for the Grociosi civilization. The Era of Stars is bound to begin in the late period of interstellar colonization, but similar times in the past are all accessories of the Colonial Era. There is no such era that can completely overturn the social structure of an interstellar civilization that has existed for thousands of years in the original period, and transform the traditional universe into a world dominated by technology and materials. However, the Grociosi Era of Stars has been achieved, and has made sufficient preparations for the future world, which has greatly shortened the history of the development of the civilization. This is the greatest achievement of this era.

Anyway, those Civilization Societies had summarized the times as early as 1820. Now I don't need to repeat their reports. Let's talk about the future of the characters in this book. Let's start with Zhi-Eaglo mentioned in the previous chapter. He later became a duke for more than 30 years and died at the end of the First Antarctic War. His first born son, Zhi-Yuonting, has been a duke for another 30 years. When the grandson of Zhi-Eaglo, the famous dictator, Zhi-jimino, succeeded him, it was a long time later. Besides, Norleiden Scheiv, the president of the Korrsha Chamber of Commerce, went to Novasinsgamo after his Chamber of Commerce gradually declined, and established a family business with his later resurrected grandchildren, specializing in making snowmobiles. There are also people from the Schcauschwiber family. Some of them went to Grocios later, but more people chose to go back to the province of Uavannarisch. At this time, the Republic of Ulningfort developed very well and has become a major power among independent countries in the Galaxy. In a word, all people have lived different lives from their ancestors in the new era.

As for Cietsin Scheiv, he returned to Grocios from Antarctica later, and promoted the Gods Religion there, but the effect was very little. Later, he went to the Earth again. That was in the year 1885 of the Solar Calendar. He followed Rach Linota to work there. He met a Zokish man named Linbieliue Nimbaya,who led a local organization called the Zokisi Revival Organization. He discussed many things with the man, including the plan for peace maintenance that he and Swyder had come up with.

An ancient wise man of Grocios once said: "The space is vast, and we don't know how many tens of millions of light years it is; the time is long, and we don't know how many tens of billions of years it is. Even though the planet is thousands of miles long, it is just a dust in the ocean; even if the history is millions of years, it is just a flick of the fingers. Ah! This is for the vast of the universe. Alas! This is for the small of us." In ancient Grocios, people's life span was very limited. One death was the end of everything, so they thought the universe was so great. However, today, science and technology are more developed, and people can revive. Some people even think that a society with more abundant resources in the future will get rid of the mechanism of adjusting population through the resurrection interval, so that people can truly live forever in a practical sense. They believe that man can conquer nature and that civilization will eventually conquer the universe. With the confidence of countless people like this, the Grociosi Civilization has ushered in a new century.

I would like to conclude this book with the poem Grave of the Star Sea written by the Commander of the Worrios Imperial fleet, Zhi- Yuoenmio, who fought with Zhi-Yuondek's fleet during the Beroero War. It is also a summary of the Era of Stars:

At that time, the battlefield was still warm. Blood soaked the earth, rain washed dry.

After glory, who is worthy? Who laments under the hero's sword?

I would like to remember the ancient times forever, just to retain the good nature;

I would like to escape overseas from now on, I am used to seeing flowers fall.

How long will my fame last? How many years are the highlights of life?

The vast sea of stars has become my grave, so why should we leave our name in the history?

Written on the 3th day of the 3th Year , 3031, the 17th era of the Dragon King Calendar. This is , December 2th, 2022 of the Solar Calendar.


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