Chapter 5

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Swyder was engrossed in the operation of the settings, he has been sitting in the cab since the real-time position display turned yellow six hours ago. Now, he turned off the weapon system of the spaceship, stood up, rubbed his eyes, exhaled, and then turned and strode out of the cab. "Cietsin! Cietsin!" He shouted.

"Cietsin!" Swyder shouted and knocked on the library door. The door was quickly opened. Cietsin stood at the door and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's not far from Schawmonsand." Swyder rubbed his eyes and said," Let's land there for supply. Then you can fly the spaceship. I'll go to sleep for a while. " Swyder said, and immediately walked to the captain's bedroom.

Cietsin could not help rubbing his eyes. He wanted to have a rest, but the books in the library were so interesting that he couldn't stop reading, so he didn't sleep at all. Some of those books are holographic scrolls, while others are traditional printed books. The one he read was printed on polymer fiber paper. The name of that book is The Strong Knights of Takonia. The author is a Takonian named Karzenta Issigis.The book was written a thousand galactic years ago, but it was printed ten galactic years ago. Before, when Cietsin mentioned Takonia, he only knew that it seemed to be near Dukonia. Now after reading this book, he knows something about Takonia. Takonia is in the west of Dukonia. There is a big desert between the two nations, and there was no conflict for a long time. About 1300 galactic years before now, that is, about 700 or 800 galactic years before Cietsin was born, someone built a city in the desert. However, the two Nations soon fought for that city because it seemed that something precious had been dug up there. Cietsin once heard his father talk about Takonia, saying that Takonian people have long and straight ears, but there are also soldiers with short hanging-down ears in the book of Karzenta.

After reading The Strong Knights of Takonia, Cietsin became more interested in Grocios. He found a hologram of Grocios from the library and studied it carefully there. Grocios is a large planet, its diameter is about 200 thousand Dukonian miles, more than eight times that of Hostjfort. There are many countries on Grocios, Chickonia, Dukonia and other large colonial empires are all native to Grocios. He examined the territory of each country. He was surprised that there were such small countries in the universe, whose territory was less than the area of a county. When Swyder knocked at the door, he was studying a country called Elefantia, which was only as big as a county of a country in Dukonia.

Now, Cietsin has to put down Grocios for a while to study Schawmonsand. As one of the supply stations at the beginning of the Golden Way, Schawmonsand belongs to the Republic of Schawmonsand. Since ancient times, traders who took the Golden Way had often supplied here. Although there are many pirates nearby in recent years, the Republic of Schawmonsand has paid a lot of protection fees to large pirate groups every year, so the two sides have been at peace. In addition, Schawmonsand is very close to the Federation of the Upper Galaxy. If the pirate group comes to make trouble, they can go there to seek refuge. Therefore, more and more merchants choose to supply here in order to avoid space pirates, and this place has gradually become a supply station and business center. After the establishment of Mingovv Space City, there was an upsurge to go to the Galactic Center District, and Schawmonsand also became a transit station for people from the Upper Galaxy to the Galactic Center District. In year 1650 of the solar calendar, the population of Schawmonsand was only 6 billion. By 1750, the population of Schawmonsand had reached 80 billion, and more than 30 billion former traders had chosen to settle there. This place has become one of the most prosperous planets in the entire Golden Way District.

The spaceship landed in a spaceship yard in the solar hemisphere of Schawmonsand for replenishment. This airship field is located in the suburb, surrounded by mines, farms and power plants. It is built on a large platform, which is very conspicuous. But the airship field itself is not big, it's only about one Dukonian mile long and half a Dukonian mile wide. This place is relatively remote. There are few spaceships landing here. There are only a dozen medium-sized spaceships in the airship field. Therefore, when Cietsin's destroyer landed on the airship field, the owner of the airship field soon came to serve. He is a revived man. His body seems to be the latest product, and he has a sense of technology. Most of his body is made of exposed alloy, which seems to have many functions. For example, his card is tied to his body. Once a lid on the back of his hand is opened, there is a card reader that can collect and pay money. His face seemed to have no skin, only the hair on his alloy head. His two big eyes stuck out of the hair and stared at Cietsin.

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