Chapter 12

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Cietsin began to wake up. At first, there was light in front of him, then a vague voice came from his ear, and the light in front of him began to be clear. He tried to move and found himself lying on his side. Finally, he saw clearly the scene in front of him, which was in a room similar to a spaceship cabin. He shook his head to wake himself up, then got up from the ground and leaned against the wall. In front of him, a huge instrument was projecting many maps and tables, and several Chickonians in blue military uniforms were talking.

Cietsin paused for a while before he could hear what they were talking about. A man in civilian suit just came in and said anxiously: "The situation is very clear. The main fortress has been occupied. Now there is no news from the headquarters. What can we do? Even the Yonchoi has lost contact!"

The other person was calm. He was wearing a military uniform with a long hem, a big cap with a rolled edge embroidered with gold patterns, and five stars on his epaulets. He said: "I won't give up like this. I know Lord Commander well. He must have orders. Continue!" His words were calm, but there was a trace of uneasiness.

The man in civilian suit nodded, not daring to disobey the order, but said, "Yes, General!" And then went out. The general then turned around and ordered other officers: "Attention, all! The army must gathered and wait for the orders. The fleet must spread along the periphery of the system, in a siege situation! What is the general situation of the attack of the Worrioto warships?"

"The enemy has gone deep into our array with column assault tactics!" Shouted an officer.

"Pass the order, and the second unit of the fleet will come from the enemy's flank..." At this time, the man in civilian suit rushed over and said: "General, Lord Commander has the latest order!" He took out a display panel and read aloud: "The reading starts: Lord Commander orders that all the active forces in all the major regiments gather in the main system, and General Zhi-Huoakouin of the First Regiment is going to lead them. Destroy the main fortress and all the ancillary facilities occupied by the enemy and then retreat! The reading is over!"

Cietsin thought about what he had seen in the news before. In 1753 of the solar calendar, the Worrios Empire launched a war against the Beroero Galaxy Autonomous Region to conquer the galaxy. The Lord Commander of the Beroero fleet, Count Zhi-Yuondek, ordered General Zhi-Huoakouin to destroy the main system, leaving nothing for the Worrios Empire, and won the reward of the Emperor of the Chickonia. Then, this place was the headquarters of the front line at that time, and the time was 1753 in the solar calendar.

"This......" The general was speechless. He lowered his head and took off his gorgeous cap. At last he said, "I can't do this. If I carry out this order, I will become the sinner of Beroero. Tell Lord Commander Zhi-Yuondek that I......"

"You must obey the orders , general," the man in civilian suit interrupted, "you must command."

"You don't know how many people there are. Those are the people of Beroero. Those are..."

"Soon they will not be the people of Beroero. They will become loyal people of the Worrios Empire, and their children will grow up listening to the songs praising Chi-Yonchoi."


"General," the man in civilian suit said to him seriously, "this is an order from Lord Commander, not a request."

The general sighed, stretched out his hand trembling, and pointed to an area on the star map: "My order, all fleets will gather up and destroy everything here!"

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