Chapter 17-The Story of Grand Duke Zhi-Eaglo

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At the peak of Mount Yosika, the last troops of Gosontoi are constantly firing at the attacking the Penguin Army, destroying one simple snowmobile after another. However, those soldiers knew that this could not save their doomed defeat. Ten million troops had surrounded their country's capital. On May 14, 1818, the Sun Calendar, Mondita led the Penguin Army to enter the Toinnjeon City, marking the end of the three-year Antarctic War with the overall victory of the "Liberal Antarctica". At the postwar conference, the winners established a new international order. On May 29, 1818 in the solar calendar, 16 countries in Antarctica jointly issued the Antarctic Independence Declaration, which was not only the biggest turning point in Antarctic history, but also declared the official end of the Era of the Stars, which lasted for two hundred years.

The Grociosi Civilization Society summarized the Era of the Stars as a "time of revolution", but the Universal Civilization Society summarized it as a "gloomy time". Both sides are reasonable. The Era of the Stars has indeed produced many changes, from the establishment of an independent country to the later anti-colonial movement of the Zokish nation, which is unique to this era. At the same time, it is also an era of population explosion. The population of the Grociosi has increased by thousands of times. The number of residents on the planet with a population of hundreds of millions has now reached one trillion. The rapidly increasing labor force, advanced technology and sufficient material resources have formed a special social structure in the Era of the Stars, which is like an ocean of capitalism, submerging people's spiritual world and making people empty, lonely, even loss of humanity. Although there are changes and progress in the Era of the Stars, it has swallowed up people's hearts and made people lose themselves in the pomp, which is also a kind of retrogression.

In any case, the Era of the Stars has ended, all the glory and pain have become the past, and a new era has begun. Of course, an important symbol of the Era of the Stars still exists, that is, the pirate groups. The space pirates did not stop plundering because of the report of the Civilization Society. On the contrary, they also entered a new era. In 1850, the Whitebeard Pirates from the New Solari Region prepared to attack the Solari Province. The weak Beita Republic had to ask for the help of Grocios to tell them that the Solar System was in danger. As a result, the Nakonians designated the Solari Province as a protected area, stipulating that no forces outside the protected area should attack countries within the area. The war in the Solari Civilization District came to an end, and Grociosi started again. In 1869, Chi-Lireren , the chief of the Chimii tribe of the Grousi nationality, led the army to rebel, overthrew the Tan Dynasty, which had ruled Chickonia for 119 years, and established the Chimiis Chickonia. Then, Non-Yoeno, a relative of Tan Dynasty's royal house who rebelled with him, turned against him and launched another war. It was not easy to defeat Non-Yoeno. After more than ten years, Chickonia was involved in a war that affected all of Grocios. However, these are major events in the cosmic situation. For civilians, the feature of this new era is the formation of modern urban culture on the basis of the Stars culture, which is the most significant feature of the first half of the Second Transitional Era.

Zhi-Eaglo have been exposed to this urban culture since a young age. He was born in the seventh year after the beginning of the Second Transitional Era, and his father was an adventurous earl. When he was young, he lived in the Earl's Mansion in the city of Kersgo in the Sunset Region. His life was well planned by his grandfather, so he longed for the outside world. When he grew up, he went to business with his father first, then went to work on his own, and saw many things in the universe. Later, he gave up business and wanted to make achievements like his great grandfather, Zhi-Yuondek. He went to a Chickonian Military Academy for further study. After graduation, he first served as a lieutenant of Tan Dynasty's army in the Chimii War. Later, he returned to the Sunset Region and formed a private army. He led these soldiers to fight around and attack the pirate groups, but he thought it was not enough to gain fame, so he targeted the weak country in the Solari Civilization District - the Republic of Beita. This year, in 1895 of the Solar Calendar, the fleet of Zhi-Eaglo captured Sirius Province, Buschore Province and Gobenzevv Province of the Republic of Beita and established the Sirius Grand Duchy. He proclaimed himself Grand Duke, swore allegiance to the new emperor of Chickonia, and chose to give up the title of Earl of Sunset Region.

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