Roommates (pt.2)

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Wednesday's pov:

I can't believe my roommate used so much color when decorating the room. Luckily these colorful plastic sheets are pealing off my side of the window easily. I thought about taking all of it off but I want Enid to keep her side of the room however she wants. So far she hasn't been too much of a nuisance.

Enid's pov:

-"so how's the new roomie?"
Asks Yoko while taking a sip of blood from her hydro flask.
-"well it is her first day. She seems alright, a bit dark. Like literally, Ajax wasn't wrong when he said she looked like a living instagram filter"
-"hm sounds interesting"
Yoko replies, taking another sip. Truth be told I haven't thought much about Wednesday since our first encounter. I mean she seems intelligent but like really detached. Only thing I've really been thinking about is her looks. Her jet black hair, her white as paper skin, her dark eye bags, and her beautiful kissable- NOPE! I can not be thinking like this, I don't even know the girl! She's attractive. That's all. I look at the time.
-"oh! I guess I better be going, bye Yoko!"
I say giving her a hug.
-"see ya later Enid"
She replies. I skip up the stairs waiting to reach the room. Finally I arrive. I open the door only to see Wednesday on the floor peeling the color off one side of the window.
-"what the hell did you do to my room!?"
I exclaim. Wednesday looks up at me blankly, clearly not caring about my anger.
-"I'm just dividing our room evenly"
She replies duly.
-"oh by the way there's two D's in Addams, if your gonna gossip about me at least spell my name right."
I froze. She was clearly talking about my post from earlier.
-"and fix your grammar, I've read serial killer diaries with better punctuation."
She says as she sits down to start writing. Now I'm kinda offended, there's nothing wrong with my posts!
-"I write in my voice! It's my truth! It's what my followers love"
I say, getting upset.
-"then your followers are idiots as well, they respond to your posts with little uncorresponding pictures"
I scuff in disbelief.
-"you mean emoji's?? They represent emotions which I know is a foreign concept for you"
I say moving closer. By now we're both standing up, face to face.
-"when I look at you the following emoji's come to mind: Rope. Shovel. Hole."
She replies seriously. I back up a bit and she raises an eyebrow in victory. She walks back to her desk to continue typing. I roll my eyes and go to turn on some music. This is war Wednesday Addams.

Wednesday's pov:

I make my way back to my desk after hopefully getting my point across to Enid. As I start writing again Enid starts blasting some annoying over energetic pop song. She then starts dancing and my eyes widen in horror.
-"turn that off"
I command, standing back up from my seat. She then raises the volume and starts to dance more bubbly.
-"I said turn it off"
I say walking towards her. Enid then growls and lunges towards me with claws coming from her nails. I stop in my tracks.
-"don't mess with me! This kitty's got claws and she's not afraid to use them"
She sounds stupid. Just then we were interrupted by an unfamiliar face. Enid quickly puts her claws away.
-"hi! I'm Mrs. Thornhill the dorm mom. Sorry I wasn't here earlier I just had some matters to attend to. I just wanted to see how Wednesday was settling in"
She then looked at the divided room then looked down at the floor where I had split the room with black tap.
-"this a bad time?"
She asks with an awkward laugh.
-"I trust Enid has given you the old Nevermore welcome"
She says with a smile. I glance over to see Enid beaming with pride.
-"she's been smothering me with hospitality. I hope to return the her sleep"
I say still looking at Enid.
-"well this is for you"
Mrs. Thornhill says, handing me an all black potted flower.
-"I try to match the perfect flower to all of my girls"
I inspect it for a moment.
-"the black Delia"
I say, quite pleased with her floral choice.
-"oh you know it?"
She asks pleasantly surprised.
-"of course. It's named after one of my favorite unsolved murders."
I reply. She then looks uncomfortable.
-"thank you."
I say and she smiles.
-"well if there's anything you-"
-"nope that'll be all"
I say abruptly.
-"oh ok, night girls. Lights out at ten!"
She says walking out the door.

Enid's pov:

After Mrs. Thornhill leaves Wednesday turns to me.
-"listen Sinclair. I don't like you and you don't like me. Luckily for you though I don't intend on being here too long"
She says sternly. Does she really think I don't like her?
-"it's not that I don't like you, we're just really different"
She replies shortly.
-"just tolerate me a bit longer and I'll be out of here in no time."
-"I want us to be friends Wednesday! I don't just wanna tolerate my roomie"
I dramatically exclaim. Wednesday then looks at me, even more seriously than before, if that's even possible.
-"I don't do friends. Friends are meaningless distractions that can be exploited."
She says sternly. The seriousness of her words really hit me, how can she think like that? I then decided if she wanted to leave it was none of my business to try to stop her, the least I could do was help. I took a deep breath.
-"fine. Roomies?"
I say, sticking my hand out as though we were making a deal.
She says I'm agreement, shaking my hand.
-"now if you'll excuse me I really would like to get back to my writing, keep the music down"
She says walking back to her desk. I go and lay on my bed facing the wall. I feel drained. The girl that I've been thinking about all day doesn't even wanna be my friend, and better yet? I'm so terrible she wants to leave...

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