XVI. Hell is Empty and All the Demons Are Here

Start from the beginning

One of Penguin's employees came in and saw the scene, then turned around.

"Wait!" (Y/N) called back. The man turned around.


"Penguin's dead."

"I can see that, sir."

"I'm in charge now. You tell your friends I'm in charge now."

The man nodded, then quickly ran out of the room.

(Y/N) removed his helmet and leaned back in the throne. Silco wouldn't stand a chance.

A sense of panic rushed into Vi as she woke. She had been knocked out shortly after her fight with Silco's second-in-command, Sevika. What she didn't understand was who had caught her off guard like that.

She looked around and saw she was in the destroyed cannery, where Silco's operation had begun. Where she had left Powder. Where (Y/N) had been grievously injured. Where Vander, Mylo, and Claggor all died.

"Really thought I buried this place," her sister's voice came from a little way away. "But I should have known better."


"Nothing ever stays dead."

"Are we alone?" Vi asked the darkness.

"For now," Jinx responded. "Maybe forever Wanna know a secret? Silco thinks he made Jinx, with all his rants and his hard-won lessons. "Excise your doubts, Jinx." "Be what they fear, Jinx." Like everything was the same as when Vander left him. But he didn't make Jinx. You did."

"I'm sorry, Powder. I never meant to leave you."

"You never left. I always heard you. Shadows in the streets, prickles on the back of my neck. Your voice. Pushing me. Picking me up when all the colors were black. You're the reason I'm still alive."

"I spent so many nights in that prison. On the freezing floor, hungry, bloody, counting the hours. The only thing... The only thing that kept me going was the thought of getting back to you."

"Are we still sisters?"

"Nothing is ever going to change that."

Jinx suddenly appeared in front of Vi, holding a lighter. "I always knew you'd come back."

"What's going on?"

Jinx threw the lighter behind her, lighting several candles and revealing a long table with several empty chairs. In two of the chairs sat crude dolls of Mylo and Claggor, and in another one sat a shard from (Y/N)'s original helmet. Two of the chairs were labeled with 'Powder' and 'Jinx,' and at the end of the table, across from Vi, was a bound and gagged Silco.

"No," Vi said, nearly speechless.

"He took everything from us," Jinx said. "Right here, he stabbed Vander in the back. Just like he planned to do with me. All the time saying you abandoned me when he knew the truth."

Silco mumbled something from under his gag.

"Liar," Jinx said before looking at the table. "It's too bad (Y/N) couldn't come. Still, I think we're missing someone." She left and returned with a lidded tray, carrying it with Vi's gauntlets and setting it on the table. "I paid (Y/N)'s sister a visit this morning."

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