"So, what do we do now," Viktor asks. Everyone just stays silent. When no one answers I speak up.

"Look, why don't we all meet back here in say... 3 hours. I'm sure we all need some time to rest and process everything that just went down. And when we meet up again we will be well rested and maybe we can think of a plan," I say. Everyone just looks around at each other.

"Alright," Lila says.

I watch as she gets up from her chair and begins to walk away. Diego looks at us for a second before following her.

"Well, we will see you guys later," Luther says as he and Sloane get up.

"See you in a few hours," Viktor says.

Both Ben and Allison just walk away without saying anything.

"Come on, I'll blink us to the room," Five says.

I nod my head and grab his hand. A second later we appear in the room we were staying in before. I sigh as I take off my shoes and walk over to the bed. I lay down on it and stare at the ceiling. A couple of seconds later I feel the bed dip down next to me.

I look at Five as he stares at the ceiling. He must have felt my gaze on him because he turns his head and looks at me. I can tell we were both thinking the same thing without having to say anything. There is nothing we can do this time. We are too late. And I think it's time to accept that.

I am tired of us chasing apocalypses only for us to make things worse every single time. Every time we think we finally stopped it, something goes wrong and another apocalypse happens. I have a feeling that we really messed it up this time and there is nothing we can do to fix it.

We continue to sit in silence for a few more seconds before I scoot closer to Five and lay my head on his shoulder. He puts his arm around me and places a kiss on my head. We just lay there...accepting our fate.

  ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡

The room was filled with silence as all of wait for someone to say something. We all met back up a few minutes ago but no one has said anything yet. I guess nobody thought of a plan.

Five and I look down the balcony as we think of a way to tell everyone that it's over. That there is no way to stop the apocalypse.

"So, how is it that we're still here, but the whole of the universe is going down the cosmic shitter," Allison finally asks.

"Maybe we're the last to get flushed," Viktor says.

"Wasn't talking to you."

I turn around and look at everyone. That was when I notice something.

"Hey, has anyone seen Klaus," I ask. Everyone stays silent as they look around.

"Or Dad," Sloane asks.

"They'll be here," Diego says.

"Really? Did they... hit traffic," Ben asks as he looks around. When no one says anything he speakes up again. "Look, people, we're alive because we're special, right? We're the only ones who can save the universe."

"Uh, question," Allison asks as she holds up a finger.


"Didn't we just try that and fail miserably?"

As much as it pains me to admit it, she was right. We did fail miserably.

"Yeah, it's because his plan was stupid," Diego says as he points to Ben. "I got a better one."

"'Course you do," Ben whispers.

"We go with the large hard-on particle accelerator." Diego turns around and points to Five, Sloane, and me. "You guys do some science, and..."

The Time Travelers Wife (Book 3) (Five x reader)Where stories live. Discover now