"What's got you down, Kid?"

Adrien looked up and straight into the eyes of Plagg. Even at the ripe old age of 34, Plagg still referred to Adrien as his kid, and, aside from Tom and Sabine, Plagg truly was part of Adrien's family. Like a big brother, or a misleading (twice removed) Uncle.

"Just," Adrien sighed, joining his fingers together as his arms rested on his thighs and head dropped between his legs. "This year just doesn't feel like Christmas. Emma and Louis are out with their friends and Hugo's upstairs more interested in his Xbox. I just can't help but feel jealous of the guys who have young kids and the magic still surrounding Santa."

"Adrien, you've played a great Santa for 14 years, now it's a chance for you and Marinette to get the time back to yourselves. You've always made sure the Kittens have had a magical Christmas, they've always had what they wanted and most of all, they have loads of memories. I'm sure Hugo will never forget the time you climbed into the chimney upside down as Santa to surprise him, only to get stuck for 15 minutes and pass out."

Adrien let out a chuckle as he remembered how annoyed Marinette was, not just for the mess he'd made on the floor, but also the fact she had to transform just to get him out. Poor Hugo was mortified that they'd killed Santa in their chimney.

"Then remember the year Emma wanted that kitchen play set and you spent six hours on Christmas Eve putting it together. They woke you up an hour after you managed to get to bed." Plagg continued, Adrien's frown slowly turning into a smile as he remembered his daughter's face when she dragged them down the following morning. The excitement radiated off her as she proudly announced that she must have been a really good girl because the kitchen was better than the one she'd asked for.

"Then there was the year Louis found that limited edition Spider-Man toy that he wanted on YouTube and you flew all the way to America to that toy museum to try and buy it for him."

"I couldn't have him thinking that Santa didn't have him on the nice list. He'd done amazing at school that year, we were all really proud of him. He still has the toy on his shelf, and apparently it's the only thing he's taking from the house when he moves out," Adrien chuckled and grabbed Plagg from the air to press him against his cheek. "Thank you, Plagg, you always know how to cheer me up."

"Anytime kid, now let's head over to the bakery, Pigtails dad said he was making me something special." Plagg clapped his little paws together and gave them a rub.

Bounding up the stairs, Adrien headed to the bedroom where Marinette was busy putting clothes away and checking everything was just so ready for in the morning, and even though the kids weren't believers anymore, there was no way the presents were going under the tree before Christmas morning.

Walking over to his wife, he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind causing the raven haired beauty to jump at the sudden touch and her head slam into his chin.

Stepping back, Adrien cupped his mouth checking for blood; pressing his fingers against his lip before pulling them away and examining them. He licked his lip and waited for a taste of iron to assault his senses.

"Oh my goodness, Adrien, I'm so sorry. I was in a world of my own."

Tapping his mouth once more and finding a lack of blood, he attempted a swollen smile at Marinette. Their family photograph tomorrow was certain to include Adrien Agreste with a bruised, fat lip.

"It's okay, I'm used to it. I just wanted to let you know I'm off your parents. Is there anything else you need whilst I'm out?"

Marinette turned around to look at him, walking over and wrapping her arms around his neck. "Could you ask my maman if she has any type of medicine for acid reflux please?"

Dadrien Day CareTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon