"We are here." Lukah informed me.

My heart started pumping faster than earlier on. I felt as if my stomach had turned inside out.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yah just need to use the ladies room."

"Hurry up I'll be in. When you get there just follow suit. The other girls are wearing green."

"Green. Why green and me red?" I asked confused.

"Guess you didn't want to use the ladies room."

That was one way of escaping my question. I'll get him later. Let's get this night over quickly.

I barely knew where I was heading to. I found myself asking for directions.

"Ma'am this way."

A girl wearing green spoke to me. Guess she is also one of the attendants.

"Thank you."

I followed her to the main room. She was quite chatty. The hotel seemed quite fancy. The people too were elegant.

I got myself busy once I was in the main room.Serving people was not my cup of tea. I walked around with the perfect smile and a tray that held glasses of champagne. Easy work except for when my heels started killing me.

When I just decided to take a break Lukah approached me.

"Told you easy work." he spoke smiling.

"Yah expect this shoes are killing me." I complained.

He smiled even more.

"Come I'll introduce you to one of my buddies."

I followed close behind him.

"Hey bro, I've got someone I'd like you to meet." Lukah spoke addressing the other guy whose back was on us. "Anny Palmer."

"Nice to meet you, gorgeous." he spoke with a bright smile. "Am Kim Hunderson."

We both shook hands. All Lukah's friends were nice to me. They seemed friendly too. Staying with them ment I'd be laughing all the time because of their silly jokes.

"Excuse me are you one of the attendees. I saw you serve the drinks. That gentleman over there is requesting for a cold Jack Daniel's drink." A young lady informed me.

"Go on, I'll be here." Lukah spoke.

After getting the drink, I walked across the room and walked to where a fine gentleman was standing. His composure was perfect that my eyes were glued to him. Lucky enough for me ill be serving him even though it's just this once.

"Sir." I called onto him.

Turning to face me, I was mesmerized by his facial features. For a moment I looked him deep in his eyes trying to pin every little thing about him in my memory at the moment.

 For a moment I looked him deep in his eyes trying to pin every little thing about him in my memory at the moment

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"You requested for a drink." I spoke.

"Yah." he finally spoke.

The way he looked at me, felt as if our world was joined. After he took his drink, Slowly I tucked my hair behind my ear to get a better view.

I walked away from him back to where Lukah was but I could have sworn he dug holes in me

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I walked away from him back to where Lukah was but I could have sworn he dug holes in me. At a distance I was able to hear his companions talk.

"Come on, she's just an attendant. Stop digging her holes with your eyes."

"Are you okay?"Lukah asked.

" Yah! "I answered.

The night went by rather quickly. I had enjoyed myself to the fullest.

" Hey why don't you get on the good side of that lady. She is filthy rich. It's healthy to have such friend. "Lukah spoke while looking at the lady in the black dress.

She was beautiful and elegant. Her black dress made from silk made her look so damn rich. The way she talked, laughed and even drank champagne clearly indicated she was from a rich background.

I took a glass of champagne to offer to her. As I walked across the room someone walked past me, hitting me so hard thus making the glass of champagne I had to fly right out of my tray. The contents in the glass spilled all over the gentleman who had earlier on requested for a drink. The glass fell down and shattered into pieces.

His eyes dug holes in my guilty soul as I continuously apologized to him. Everyone's attention near us shifted. All eyes were on me.

"Sorry sir I didn't mean to... Am so sorry." I pleaded with the man.

Now I know this wasn't my lucky day at all. The way he clenched his fist and looked at me with anger in his eyes, indicated he wasn't going to forgive me any time soon.

"Are you blind or what?" he asked in between his teeth.

"What? I already apologized, you don't have to be so rude." I defended myself.

"You dare talk back." he looked at me while wiping the remnants of the drink on his face with his handkerchief.

"Even after I apologized you still have the nerve to insult me. You rich people have no sympathy at all."

I didn't know where all this courage came from but I was just getting started in putting this guy where he belongs.

"I might be of a lower class but that doesn't mean you have to take my apology for granted." I continued.

"Anny stop... Come with me." Lukah dragged me away.

"What the hell? Do you have any idea of what you have done." He spoke.

I was still angry yet I also knew what I had done was wrong.

"I can't believe this. That guy was rude. Imagine even after apologizing he still went ahead and humiliated me." I defended myself.

"Lukah who is she?"i heard that familiar voice behind me.

Turning round it was him. He stood there head strong. His cold composure stared at me. Gave me chills but this wasn't the time to act weak. I also held my head up high. What betrayed me was my pumping heart. I was scared beyond doubt.

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