6- The first night ✨

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~ small time skip ~

With the help of Barbatos, I'm fixing the table so everyone can sit and relax, the rest of them in the living room and kitchen. "Thanks for the help Barbatos, things are done quicker with help." "Just doing my duties as a butler, it's no issue." He replies, finishing the last area. I sigh, feeling my exhaustion creeping up on me.

He looks into my eyes and says, "You must be exhausted from today, please allow me to take control while you rest." "You'd do that? Thank you." I give him a genuine smile, which he returns with a smile a little more genuine than what I'm used to seeing through the game.

My heart seems to speed up a little. "I'll go grab a slice then head into my room for a bit, okay? If you need anything, Nick should have the answer. Buuut if he doesn't, you can come ask me." I say, walking into the kitchen.

Satan, Solomon, Leviathan, Simeon and Luke are talking in there, the attention shifting to me when I arrive. "Oh, Y/n! We were just talking about you." Solomon says.

I raise my eyebrow. "Whaaat were you talking about exactly?" I ask. Simeon jumps in saying, "Nothing bad, we promise. We just wondered one thing."

I tilted my head to the side, signaling him to continue. "Well, how similar are you to the MC we know? Or, knew I suppose." He says.

Satan interjects, saying, "As in, if we're really from a game, how much of what we've come to know about our MC is true to you?"

I raise my eyebrows, not expecting the question. I bring one of my hands up to my chin, thinking of what to say.

'Well there are only so many options to choose from whenever I get to make a choice. I just choose whatever I think will give the best results.'

"Of course, I don't mean to get a straight answer from you. It's just a simple question we all shared." Solomon says, stopping my train of thought.

"Ah, right. Well that's good, since I don't think I'd be able to come up with an answer." I chuckle quietly. Solomon and Simeon smile in return.

"I guess it's just something you'll have to figure out as time passes." I continue. Leviathan nods and Luke looks over to Simeon, seemingly thinking about something.

"Anyway, I just came in here to grab a slice of pizza. I'll be in my room for a bit but if any of you need anything you're welcome to knock." I say, grabbing a paper plate from where I keep them on the counter.

"Alright, thank you Y/n." The others nod as Simeon speaks up.

"Yeah, no problem!" I say, giving them a light smile and walking off with my pizza.


Closing my door quietly, I put my plate on my desk and proceed to flop down on my bed. Finally feeling the headache that had been building up all day, I groan.

"Ohh my god what am I doing.."

Lucifer's POV

I'm sitting on one of Y/n's couches, listening to Diavolo speak when I see Barbatos ask those in the kitchen to come into the living room. They do so and he walks towards us.

"You are all free to come sit at the table and eat. But I must ask, please refrain from interacting with Y/n for some time. I believe they deserve some time to themself after today." He says.

'That is true, this must be quite stressful. I know the feeling.' "You heard him, no bothering Y/n." I say, looking at my brothers, Mammon and Asmodeus longer than the others.

"Wh- why're ya lookin at me?!" Mammon asks. "You don't need to look at me, I know how to control myself." Asmo says, pouting.

I sigh. "Alright anyway, you may eat."
Nick's POV

I could hear the others downstairs talking and enjoying their food. Meanwhile, I'm stuck trying to find these air mattresses in the attic.

"Oh my god this is annoying. Why am I the one looking for the damn mattress anyways." I think aloud.

'You're the favorite cousin, you're the cool cousin...' Repeating to myself like a mantra, I continue to look through different containers.

"Aha!" Finding them in a bin in the corner, I bring them down the stairs to the 1st floor living room.

~ Dumb timeskip ~

I let out the sigh I've been holding in as I finally get the mattresses filled up with air. "Jesus Christ that took way too long."

Still kneeling on the floor from when I was filling them up, I get up and groan, feeling the ache in my knees. 'I'm too old for this crap.'

I walk up the stairs and into the dining room where I see the gang of guys eating there. The older blonde one, 'Satan I believe?' makes eye contact with me and I walk over as he waves me over.

"Hey guys, the pizza good?" I ask, raising my eyebrow after looking across the table and seeing the orange haired one scarfing down said pizza quite aggressively.

"Ah, don't mind him, he's usually like that." His twin says. He himself looks like he's about to fall asleep halfway through his meal.

I look back over to the blonde I'm next to and ask him, "Where's Y/n?"

"In their room."


Tapping my knuckles on the door 3 times then waiting for a "Come in!", I enter my little cousins room.

"Whatcha doin hiding in here? You trust them that much?" I ask, closing the door behind me.

Y/n smiles softly. "I guess I do. Did you find the mattresses?"

"Indeed I did. I filled them up and everything. They're downstairs." I reply.

Y/n makes some room for me on their bed and I sit down. Taking a closer look at them, I notice their exhaustion and frown slightly.

"You doing okay?"

Y/n nods tiredly. "Mhm, just a little tired from today."

"Mm, I get it. This is still so weird though. I don't get how any of this is happening." I reply.

A moment of silence passes, before I lean down to lay on their shoulder, feeling a small jump from them as I do so. I chuckle lightly, pulling them into a hug.

"We'll figure this out, don't worry. I've got your back." I reassure them.

Y/n sighs then returns the hug after a moment's hesitation. "Right, thanks Nick." They mutter.

"Of course kid."


Odd ending I know I'm sorry!! This was where I left off in my writing before taking that huuge break.

Thought I'd still give it to you all. Honestly haven't proof read this so sorry for any mistakes

That's all, I'll see you whenever I make the next chapter

- Lo <3

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