1 - The beginning ✨

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The only sound that could be heard from y/n's room was the soft voice of the character Diavolo from the hit(?) game Obey me.

They were reading through a devilgram story to pass the time. The words that appeared on their screen made their heart flutter and a smile grew on their face.

'God why is he so charming???!?' Y/n thought as they dropped their phone on the bed, having completed the story.

'What do I do now?' Y/n thought, returning to the Home Screen. They were greeted by [the character you chose] and smiled.

"Y/n!" They heard their parent call them from another room. 'Oh, right!'

Y/n gets up, knowing what their parents needed and left their phone laying on the bed.

~ In the foyer ~ (am I using this right)

Y/n walks down the stairs to see their parents putting their shoes on. There are 2 suitcases and a few other bags around them. "Hey hun, your father and I are leaving now." Their mother says, reaching over to hug them.

"Be good alright? No parties while we're gone." Their father says, smiling. "Yea yea, I know." Y/n hugs their father as well.

When Y/n's father walks outside to put the suitcases in the car, their mom turns to them. "Okay listen, we'll only be gone for a month. I promise we'll be back by August, okay?" Y/n's mom says.
"I asked your cousin to come check on you at least once a week so you won't be alone. If you ever need anything, ask him." She continues with a worried smile.

"I know mom, thank you. I'll be fine, just go and enjoy your vacation." Y/n replies, trying to ease their mothers worries.

After a bit of hesitation, she gives in and gives Y/n one last hug. "I love you Y/n, see you soon." Their mother says. "Love you too, bye mom." Y/n says, closing and locking the door.

Y/n sighs. "Okay, back to Obey-"

They interrupt themself because they heard a thump coming from upstairs. Wondering what could have fallen, Y/n slowly goes up the stairs.

'It's probably just my chem book. That shit is way too heavy.' They thought, trying to slow their heart rate that had quickly increased.

As they reached the top of the steps and walk into their kitchen, their heart stops.



"...What the fuck."

Y/n is greeted by 11 tall (and one short) men in their kitchen.

"Oh, please watch your language. There's a child here." A tall man with dark skin and blue eyes says.

"Wh- I'm not a child!" A chi- I mean, shorter male with blonde hair and white clothing replies, clearly annoyed.

Y/n is at a loss for words for a few moments, trying to understand what was going on and how the hell these beautiful men got in their house.

"Would you please let us know where we are? I'm not sure how we got here." The tall man with red hair says, looking down at Y/n.

"Um, I uh..." Y/n takes a deep breath and looks up at them.

"Okay hi. I'm not sure how the hell this happened but I'm Y/n and you're in my house."

"Y/n? As in our Y/n?" A man with champagne colored hair and average height asks.

"I don't think so, they look a bit different from the Y/n we know." Another blonde replies.

"Oh god, okay. Could you all follow me for a moment? I know you all must be confused, I am too." Y/n says, leading them downstairs into the biggest room in their house: The Living room.

They all stand awkwardly in the entrance, some looking (and judging) the furniture while others looked down at the ground.

"I know it's not much, but please, sit down for a moment. I know how powerful you all are, so I obviously know not to mess with you in any way. Y/n says, gesturing to the 8 seats in the room.

After they all exchanged glances, they filled the chairs until 4 remained standing. Those being the butler, the tall angel, the ginger and the wizard.

"So this is a little hard to explain but bear with me. Technically, you are in the human world and I am the MC you know."

As someone was about to interject, Y/n put their finger up and said, "But, I obviously look different. That's because this is the real me?"

The men had confused looks on their faces. "What do you mean the real you?" The black haired male asked, staring at Y/n. 'My god, he is much more threatening in real life.' Y/n shudders under his gaze and thinks for a moment.

"Here, how about I show you?"

Is this a bad time to end the chapter? Bro I don't know what I'm doing 😭

If anyone actually reads this, please tell me what I can do to improve, I know this isn't good and I want to get better.

Thanks for reading
- Lo <3

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