4- The shopping experience (Pt. 2) ✨

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I'm alive 😳
Idk why this chapter was so hard to write but I kept getting stuck
Hope you enjoy haha


The group dispersed to explore the large store. It had a few sections: clothing, shoes, and different accessories such as jewelry and bags.

Nick walked off to look at shoes, leaving Y/n alone at the front. 'Who should I check up on first?'


"Hey Mammon, how's it going?" Y/n asks, walking up to the male looking at shirts. Lucifer wasn't too far from him, looking over upon hearing their voice.

"Hm? Ah, fine. Hey, you sure I can buy stuff with your money? I don't need to pay you back do I?" Mammon asks.

"Unless you plan on getting a job I don't think you could pay me back." Y/n starts with a laugh.

"And if I didn't then you'd all wear the same clothing for however long you're here. That would be unfair. Kinda gross too."Y/n replies, looking at the outfit Mammon had chosen.

"Right, okay. Thanks I guess." Mammon says, looking away.

"It's no problem! Nice choice by the way!" Y/n says, referring to the sweater in Mammon's right hand. They walk over to the oldest brother.

"Hey Lucifer! How's it going? Everything good?" They say, looking around the store. Y/n felt a little overwhelmed knowing how chaotic the males could get.

Lucifer noticed this and replied with, "I'm alright, but isn't it polite to make eye contact in a conversation?

Looking into his eyes for a moment before turning away, Y/n says, "Right, sorry."

"I must thank you for being willing to take care of all of us for the time being." Lucifer says. "Oh yea it's fine, not like I have much of a choice." Y/n smiles.

"I trust that you and Barbatos will help me keep everyone from causing too much chaos?"
"Why of course."


Y/n walked over to the jewelry section, seeing Asmo over there. "Oh, Y/n! Look, I think this would look nice on you." Asmo says, holding out a ring.

(You can imagine a different ring, I just wanted to choose a cheap one 🤷

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(You can imagine a different ring, I just wanted to choose a cheap one 🤷. But for this pic Asmo shows you the black one.)

"Wow that's pretty..how much is it?" Y/n replies, grabbing the black ring. Answering their own question, they say aloud, "Hm, only 10 dollars each."

"We could get matching ones!" Asmo exclaims, holding out the silver version of the ring.

Smiling, Y/n replies, "Alright, sure!" Asmo smiles back. Before either being could get another word out, the sound of Nicks voice made them turn.

"I'll go see what he's up to. Catch you later!" Y/n says, waving and walking over to the shoe section.

Following the sound of their cousins voice, Y/n stops after seeing the 7th brother asleep on a bench, the orange(would I call him a redhead?) haired brother browsing shoes near him.

"Ah, Y/n! Do I wake him up or no, he might be in the way of other customers." Nick asks, getting up from kneeling near Belphegor.

"Uhm, well.." Looking over to Beel, Y/n asks, "Is it alright if he's woken up? I don't want him to miss out on the shopping, we should be leaving soon."

Beel looks down at Y/n and replies with, "Hm? It's fine, I'll wake him up in a few minutes."

Looking over from Belphegor, to Nick, and back to Beel, Y/n says, "Alrighty, I'll go check up on the others." Waving, Y/n leaves the scene.


Y/n looks at the time on their phone. 'Hm, 4:37. I guess I could do a little shopping myself..'

Y/n went on to walk around the store, looking at a few things but ultimately deciding to only buy the ring.

Seeing it was 5:00, Y/n rounded up the group and they all got on line to pay for their items. Y/n's heart tightened slightly upon seeing each being use their own money on their clothing and accessories.

Nick noticed the pained expression on their cousins face and chuckled. "Hey, Y/n. We're gonna go out to eat soon after this right?" The taller male asked.

Looking over at Nick, Y/n thinks for a moment then says, "I guess we do have to, huh. Yeah, why?"

"I'll pay for it, okay? I know it'll probably be hard enough trying to explain to uncle and auntie why so much money was taken out of your account. Don't wanna use up all your money now." Nick replies, smiling.

The others had finished paying and walked over to the two humans talking. "Thanks Nick."

"Just doin my job as your older cousin." Nick smirked.

"Yeah, alright." Y/n pushed him lightly, turning to the others.

"Okay guys, let's get outta here!"


The group left the store and browsed through a few others, finding Levi some manga in one store, a few beauty products for Asmo, and other basic necessities for everyone else.

Y/n would've taken them to a bookstore but decided against it, starting to feel hungry. 'We'll save that for another day.'

Walking down the sidewalk and having a light chat with Simeon on the way, they finally arrived at Gin's Pizzeria.

"Is it okay if we just get pizza? I feel like it's the best option for now, not too expensive for one pie." Y/n says, remembering how they've been here with their mother before.

They agreed and told Y/n what they wanted on each pizza, Y/n writing it down in their notes app.

"Okay! I'll be back in a few. Stay out of trouble." Y/n walked into the small pizzeria, leaving the 13 beings outside near a few empty benches.

Aha yeah sorry, that's all you guys get for now
I'm attempting to get back into Obey me but the fandom seems so dead ☹️

Also you can only play obey me on one device at a time?? I didn't know that
I gotta choose between playing on my iPad and phone 🧍🏼

Okay sorry I'm rambling, see you guys next time
-Lo <3

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