5- The first evening ✨

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~ Outside the pizzeria ~

The group sat down around the benches and dispersed into their own little conversations. Nick, figuring he was in charge of them made sure he counted 12 and sat down by Simeon, Luke, Leviathan, and Asmodeus.

"So guys, how's the shopping going? Y'all like it here in the real world?" Nick asks. He himself doesn't play Obey me, but he has heard a few too many ramblings over the characters from Y/n and knows a thing or two about them.

"It is nice here, thank you for taking us out." Simeon replies, smiling.

Nicks phone buzzes in his pocket, making his heart skip a beat. He takes his phone out to see a text from Y/n:

Y/n 🙄❤️
Bro gtf in her to pay


Y/n 🙄❤️

alright damn, I'm coming

Turning off his phone, Nick looks up at the four in front of him. "I have to go help Y/n, don't cause trouble."


"Thank you!" Nick said, holding 3 stacked pizza boxes. He walked out of the door, Y/n trailing behind holding the remaining 4.

"This is one hell of a trip isn't it?" Nick said, looking over at Y/n.

"Sure is. And I have to do this for a week minimum." Y/n replied, looking back at the taller male. Y/n isn't what you'd call an introvert, but spending most of your day keeping 12 adults out of trouble is tiring.

"Thanks for coming out today. Even if you originally came over to call me insane or something like that." Y/n said with a tired chuckle.

"It's no problem, really. Good to know my lil cousin still trusts me." Holding the boxes with one hand, Nick ruffles Y/n's hair, earning a small laugh in response.

The cousins arrive at the tables, attention shifting to them when they arrive. "You guys alright with eating once we get to my house?" Y/n asks. Looking at Beel, they say, "I have something else you can eat while we drive home."

Beel nods and the rest of the group agreed. They walked towards the cars and put their bags in the trunks. The sun had begun to set while Y/n and Nick drove them back to the house, the sky fading from blue to a pale pink.

~ At the house ~

Nick's POV (ooo first person 😳)

I arrived at the house just a few minutes earlier than Y/n, them getting stuck in a bit of traffic on the way. "Alright guys, we're back." I open the trunk from the front seat then look back to see the shorter pretty one - Asmo was it? - and the emo looking twin asleep.

Making eye contact with the eldest brother, he tells me, "I've got them." I nod and get out of the car.
I walk towards the front door, fumbling with my keys. 'Why do I have so many keys anyway, damn.'

The demons and human were getting their bags and the food from the trunk. I unlock the door in time to see them walking up the stairs so I move to allow them in.

As they take off their shoes and put them where I motion , I say, "Let's see... there are 4 empty rooms as of now and 2 living rooms. I guess since you all are here first you get first pick on where to sleep.

Lemme show you where Y/n's room is so you can put your bags down in the room you choose." The seven of them follow me up the stairs and through the hallway to Y/n's door.

"Here it is! Only room on the right. Every other bedroom should be available to use. The room here in the middle has a bunk bed, If that helps in any way. The other 3 have queen size beds and of course we have air mattresses." I say.

"Is it really alright for us to just move into these rooms?" The prince asks me. He is quite respectful if I remember correctly. "Yep! Don't worry, Y/n's siblings moved out already so the rooms aren't gonna be used" I reply.

"I'm gonna get the mattresses from the attic. Make yourselves at home." I say.

Y/n's POV

(Ok) I pull up (hop out at the after party) in the driveway and see Nick's car there as well.

"Okay guys, we're back!" I start. I smile and lower my voice when I see Luke asleep in the middle. "I'll get the bags. Satan, would you unlock the front door for me?" Holding my keys out to him, he nods and takes them from me.

"Beel, could you get the pizza boxes while Levi, you help me carry the bags? Sorry, I wouldn't ask if I could get them all myself." I ask, unlocking the trunk.

"Of course, it's not a problem Y/n." Beel replies, getting out of the car. "Y-yea, I don't mind." Levi adds.

While Simeon is waking Luke up, we grab our belongings from the trunk and bring them inside. I hear Nick speaking from upstairs, talking about getting the air mattresses from the attic.

So this was supposed to have another 200 words or so but I'm having trouble writing a specific scene so I cut this short

ahaha I'm sorry 😓
I know the story is pretty boring atm but I PROMISE it will pick up, just give me like 2 more chapters

That's all, see ya next time
- Lo <3

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