2 - The explanation ✨

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"Here, how about I show you?"

"I'll be right back, have to get my phone." Y/n looks at them with a small smile and speed walks upstairs to get their phone.

'Bro what the hell is happening?' They thought, reaching their room and grabbing their phone. 'There aren't even enough rooms in this house to take care of them!

Wait, why am I thinking about taking care of them? I need to get them back in my phone!' Y/n thinks, rushing back down the stairs (almost tripping in the process) and into the living room.

"Back! Okay everyone, please take a look at my phone." They all lean in the look at the phone.

" They all lean in the look at the phone

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Some are stunned for a moment. "That's...me?" Asmo asks, confused.

Y/n taps the screen and the home screen loads up. (Choose whatever character you want, to make things easier for me, I choose Luke) Luke appears on screen and welcomes them back.

"Soo, where I live you all are in a game

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

"Soo, where I live you all are in a game." Y/n says, showing them the different apps.

"Woah.." Y/n hears from Luke.

"How interesting.." The butler Barbatos says. "So that's how you know us!" The red haired male, or Diavolo says.

"Yep! What I fail to understand is how you got taken out of the game and brought into the real world." Y/n says, raising a brow.

"So you're the MC we know, but not?" The blue haired, also known as Leviathan asks, speaking up for the first time.

"Yep! I'm sure you've seen some anime or read something like this, right?" Y/n replies, looking up at him. He nods a few times.

"I know you all must want to go back to the Devildom. Do you know how you got here? I can try to replicate whatever happened." Y/n says, backing away from them.

Silence enters the room as they all try to think about how they got here. "I'm sorry, I just remember waking up in your hallway." The angel Simeon responds, looking at you.

The others murmur words such as 'same' or 'me too'.

"This is quite the problem.." Y/n mutters, placing their hand on their chin and looking down.

While Y/n looks down, Diavolo and Barbatos exchange a look.

"I could assist you in figuring out how we can return." Barbatos says. Y/n looks up and sees the normal small smile on his face.

"That would be lovely!" They say, smiling. "But while we do that, what will I do with you all..." Y/n thinks out loud.

After a moment, Y/n looks around and says, "Okay, I'll allow you all to roam around my home but please." Y/n looks at Lucifer and Simeon. "Make sure they don't break anything. I probably won't be able to replace what breaks."

"I will try my best." Simeon replies. Lucifer nods in agreement and glares at Mammon for a moment. The tan white haired male jumps when he looks into his older brothers eyes.

"Mammon, please don't steal anything either." You add, looking over at him before looking back at Barbatos.

"Shall we go?" Y/n asks. "Of course." Barbatos replies, while the sound of Mammon talking to you barely registers in your ears.

~ Staying in the living room ~

"As Y/n said, you all can go around this house," Lucifer starts, turning to everyone. "But go in pairs." He goes up and grabs Mammons arm. Mammon sighs.

~ A few minutes later ~

"So to be sure, let's go over the groups. Simeon and Luke, Belphegor and Beelzebub, Asmodeus and Solomon, Leviathan and Satan, and Lucifer, Mammon and myself, correct?" Diavolo says looking over at everyone.

They all nod in return. "Alright, be careful!" Diavolo says, smiling and walking off with Lucifer, Mammon dragging behind.

~ In Y/n's room ~

"Alllright, how do we even start this?" Y/n asks, sighing. Y/n was sitting on their bed, while Barbatos sat on the chair next to them. They were both turned towards the computer on the desk.

"Can't you see into the future? Did you know this would happen?" Y/n asks. "While I do look to ensure the safety of the exchange students, I did not see anything about this." The male replied, looking down at Y/n.

Y/n averted his gaze unconsciously, not being one for eye contact. They tried to think about any shows or stories they've read where anything similar has happened before. 'In Erased he would see a butterfly...did I see anything unusual?

What about Tokyo revengers? Takemichi shook hands with Hina's brother right? Who would I shake hands with?'

While Y/n was lost in thought, Barbatos was in a similar state. Thinking through his many years of knowledge, he tried to remember if he's experienced something like this before. He's gone through quite a few adventures with the group ever since MC came into the devildom.

MC, the exchange student that had been chosen completely randomly and had managed to change all of their lives for the better. They were able to bring everyone closer and steal hearts in the process.

'And this Y/n claims to be MC? Or rather, the one controlling MC if we really are in a game. This is quite confusing...'

The two stare off into space, lost in their own thoughts for ages. Y/n seems to snap out of their trance first and looks up at the butler.

"You all have just gotten here, maybe it's too early to try to get back? Maybe you'll just randomly get transported after some time has passed." Y/n says.

Barbatos comes back to his senses upon hearing your voice and nods. "That is a possibility." He replies. "Well then, how about we go inform everyone about this? If you're all still here after a week, then we'll think of something else." Y/n says.

Barbatos stands up and opens the door for Y/n, both of them walking out into the hall.
'But how are you all gonna stay here...'

Transported to a new world ~ Obey me x reader [ON HIATUS]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt