Chapter 15

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Hey everyone what's up! Anyway welcome to the last two chapters! We're the girls and their turtles are going to save New York City to stopping the Kraang anyway let's get into the chapter!

Everyone was getting ready to leave to stop Krang,"

April, Casey and Vern need an escort to Pier 90. The electromagnetic force of the portal is coming from there. Forwarding you the coordinates." Donnie said.

"Send a team! Take us to the Chrysler Building. We'll make our way up to his ship and take down Krang on his home turf."'Leo order and the got into the cop truck along with the girls

Vern:Come on, O'Neil, get in![ April got into the car with Casey as well]

Vincent:We're 90 seconds out. I've got tactical gear, weapons, communications standing by.

Leo:All we need is cover to get up there. When we do, we've got to find that beacon that's drawing all those pieces together.

Donnie:If we can send that beacon back to where it came from, and April, Casey and Vern can close that portal on our command...

Mikey:Good-bye, Technodrome.

Raph:Good-bye, Krang. Team effort.

Riley:Team effort.[ The girls nodded including the turtles agreeing what Riley said]

Avery, Rose, Madison, Raph, Mikey, Donnie and Leo:Team effort

With Vern, Casey and April,

Then they went separate ways then Vern noticed something strange.

Casey:All right, they're splitting up.

VernWait, we aren't going with the turtles?Why aren't we going with the turtles? When something bad happens, you want to be with the turtles!

April and Casey didn't say anything.

Back with The turtles and the girls.

They finally arrived to the Chrysler Building as the police officers.

Troops:Move it, let's go!

Troops:Go, move, move, move. Get your team in position!

The girls saw the people had their phones out wondering what's happening.

Then Rebecca shouted."Shields up! Okay, let's get them in. Tight form on that barricade!"Each girl grabbed a hand of their turtle and stayed close to them. Once they got into the building and headed up to the top.The turtles and the girls made it to the top, then Donnie jumped up to a statue head that was built onto the building and scanned the pieces of the Technodrome.

"This is 57% complete. If we don't stop it now, it's going to be ready to go in less than 4 minutes." Donnie informed.

"Guys, what are we waiting for?" Mikey said.

"You got this?" Leo asked his brother Raph.

"Yeah. I got this." Raph smirks

Riley looks at her sister and her friends." You guys ready?"


"Ready as I'll be!"

"I am ready if you're ready sis."

Riley smirks and said." Then it's settled." Then she shouted."Surf's up, New York!" As she jumps on the platform of the first piece along with her sister and her friends and the turtles behind her.

"Whoo hoo hoo!"

With Vern, April and Casey

As they three of them got out of the car

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