"I'll be right back Lana!" You called

"Okay!" Lana said

You went over to Professor Kukui.

"What happens if you don't have anyone to bring?" You asked

"You can bring a friend if you'd like!" Professor Kukui said

"Okay!" You said

You went back to Lana, what friend would you bring? You don't talk to others much who live in Melemele in fear that they'll find or see Naganadel putting them in danger of being discovered by the wrong sort of people.

"Everything alright?" She asked

"Yup! Let's get back to decorating!" You exclaimed

"Saur!" Venusaur said

You looked over seeing Mallow and Sophocles sitting down and relaxing, they were most likely finished with their side already.

"Do you think it's good?" Lana asked

She stepped back with Popplio so you and Venusaur did the exact same thing.

"It's amazing! You're really talented!" You exclaimed

"Thank you!" Lana smiled

"You're also very talented too Popplio!" You said

"Saur!" Venusaur agreed

Venusaur pat Popplio on the head using a vine as Popplio clapped happily.

You sat down at your desk and so did Lana happily.

Venusaur walked over to Lillie, Kiawe, Turtonator and Snowy happily to go help.

Eventually everyone was finished with their sides of the room.

"Let's go outside for a lunch break!" Professor Kukui suggested

Everyone went outside and sat in a line. Lana was on your right and Sophocles was on your left.

"I can't wait to show my mom and dad the school!" Sophocles said

"Lillie, is your mother coming?" Mallow asked

"She probably won't because she's always so caught up with work!" Lillie huffed

"Vul?" Snowy said

"Don't worry Snowy, I'm sure Hobbes will come." Lillie reassured

"I'm surprised your family will come all the way from Akala!" Mallow said

"The farm isn't that busy." Kiawe stated

"How about we come to my family restaurant for some food!" Mallow exclaimed

"That'd be great!" Professor Kukui smiled

You smiled as the bell rang and everyone began walking to Mallow's family restaurant for some food together.

"Alola kids!" Her father said as she opened the door

"Alola dad! I brought some friends over for lunch!" Mallow informed

"Steenee!" Steenee replied 

You smiled as he immediately served everyone good food, the food you make isn't quite pleasant. Thank the Island Guardians you live with Pokémon and no other human.

Steenee happily danced around with Popplio.

{ 3 Hours Later }

You were back at your house with Venusaur and the rest of your Pokémon.

"Too bad I don't have anyone to come with me." You stated

Naganadel seemed to feel guilty, because of them you didn't speak to much people from Melemele so they'd be safe.

"It's alright! I can't wait to meet everyone's parents!" You smiled

"Arbok!" Arbok said

"Salaz!" Salazzle replied

"Saur!" Venusaur exclaimed

"Toxa! Toxapex!" Toxapex answered 

Naganadel and Dragalge happily floated around in the air as you laid down on your bed completely zoned out.

"Tomorrow I'll be taking Arbok to meet everyone's parents, obviously you all can come out of your Poke balls when we get there." You stated

"Arbok!" Arbok said enthusiastically

"I wonder if anyone is gonna bring a friend, or if anyone isn't gonna end up bringing their parents." You thought out loud

"Salaz." Salazzle answered

She walked around the room before standing on the window cil and looking outside.

Venusaur grabbed Salazzle with his vines and set her down before walking back over to Toxapex happily.

Dragalge hovered beside the window whilst looking outside whilst Naganadel lowered themselves and hovered by the window too beside Dragalge.

Arbok curled up in the corner under a desk before happily falling asleep and one by one all your Pokémon were knocked out completely.

You eventually went to sleep yourself after a while just thinking about how the next day would play out, you'd be the only one there with no one to show the school to. You imagined it'd be really awkward just sitting there with no one.

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