|~ School Day ~|

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Familiar people

{ Y/N's Point Of View }

It was the next day and you were the first up.

"Dragalge! Hey! Wake up!" You said

All your Pokémon had already been returned and you already had your clothes on for the day.

Dragalge immediately woke up fully and made his way out of the room, you swung your bag over your shoulder and made sure you packed everything.

You adjusted your Z-ring before heading out the door running towards the school whilst holding your hat as Dragalge followed quickly in pursuit.

"Hope we aren't late! Apparently our teacher is professor Kukui! A Pokémon researcher here in Alola! Isn't that nice?" You said

Dragalge entered the campus as you followed behind him, it was quite lively considering there were other kids with quite large Pokémon like a Tauros or Alolan Exeggutor.

You walked through the halls trying to find your class and eventually you did and you could hear a bunch of talking about... new students.

You took a deep breath before walking into the classroom seeing a familiar Togedemaru, Steenee, Popplio, Vulpix and a Turtonator but there was a new Charizard, Marowak and Charjabug.

"You again?!" A boy said

These were the same kids from the malasada shop. 

"Alola! I'm professor Kukui, you can introduce yourself and your Pokémon!" He greeted

Dragalge examined the corner filled with Pokémon.

"My name is Y/N, that's Dragalge." You said

"Alola Y/N!" The green haired girl exclaimed

"Alola!" The blonde added

"You can take a seat right beside Lana and Lillie for today!" Professor Kukui informed

"Steenee!" Steenee exclaimed

"Turta!" Turtonator said

Dragalge flew over and made himself familiar with the other Pokémon.

"You can tell us a little about yourself Y/N! Obviously you don't need to if you don't want to." Kukui stated

"I specialize in Poison Type Pokémon, I live alone due to unknown reasons." You said

"That's cool! I'm Sophocles, that's Lillie, Kiawe, Mallow and Lana! Just a question, what's that on  your wrist?" Sophocles asked

"My Z-ring and Z-crystal. Poisonium-z." You informed

"Must be pretty experienced to have a Z-ring!" Mallow exclaimed

"Yeah." You said

You sure were taught some things when working with an Ultra Beast at quite the small age.

Sophocles seemed psyched about the Z-ring thing, Lillie was pretty intrigued about you, Mallow seemed excited to have you there, Kiawe was mild about the whole thing and Lana was pretty chill and was happy for a new friend.

Kukui began to teach about Alola's history which you were quite interested in, Alola had lots of secrets and hidden stuff and it's really exciting to uncover it.

You dove into your bag whilst fumbling around in it making sure you still had all five poke balls.

"So we'll be pairing up into groups of four to observe the different Pokémon and how they behave while correlating it with the past!" Kukui exclaimed

Just then a familiar face walked in, the principle being... Samson Oak, cousin of Professor Oak in the Kanto region.

"Hello class!" He said

"Alola Principle Oak!" Lana exclaimed

"Alola!" You said

"I'll be joining you on this amazing journey to watch Pokémon be Machamps!" He said

His face looked like a Machamp's for a second and he acted like one for a second too... how odd.

"Does he do that often?" You whispered to Lana

"Yeah, it's pretty confusing but I like it." Lana informed

Dragalge seemed quite creeped out by it.

"Vul!" Lillie's Vulpix Snowy said

"We'll be paring up! It'll be Me, Y/N, Sophocles and Lana while the other team is Principle Oak, Mallow, Lillie and Kiawe! We're allowed to take Pokémon! Good luck class!" He said

You all walked onto the places where Pokémon were found most with both groups going in one direction, Principle Oak's team took the grass but your team took the water.

"Come on Popplio!" Lana said

She dove into the water as you watched, Sophocles pulled out a document paper and began to type stuff on a keyboard to his personal laptop.

"You can join the two Dragalge." You said

Dragalge looked at you before nuzzling you and going into the water, hope a Pokémon isn't accidentally corroded due to his poison that is fired at will.

"Y'know Y/N, you remind me of someone." Professor Kukui informed

"Who?" You asked

You got this a lot for some reason but could never find out who it was.

"Someone I knew way back when! Sadly, they left. Name was-" Kukui said

"Professor Kukui! I found something!" Lana exclaimed

He immediately went to the edge of the water as Dragalge came out from under the water with a tiny Luvdisc, he hovered near the top letting the Luvdisc sit in the water still.

"Great find Lana!" He said

"And great for data collecting!" Sophocles exclaimed

"Togedemaru!" Togedemaru exclaimed

Popplio tonal honked and clapped happily.

{ 2 hours later }

You were now at home since the school day was over and you were resting in your bed.

"Arbok!" Arbok exclaimed

He was curled up on your bed, basically all your Pokémon were.

"Salaz..." Salazzle said

"Saur!" Venusaur replied

"Toxa..." Toxapex added

Naganadel screeched while laying beside you as Dragalge did the same.

You thought about your new friends and Kukui.

Who did you genuinely look like? Who was the famed mystery person you strongly resembled? You also thought things like. Did your new friends genuinely like you? Did you ruin their bond with each other because of the sudden appearance?

Venusaur laid down on your leg a little causing it to go numb but that was the least of your worries as of right now.

Venusaur's flower emitted a calming scent which was affective, Venusaur's abilities did come in handy when needed.

Arbok hissed before falling asleep so you decided to do the same.

Toxapex was already asleep beside Salazzle.

Naganadel happily stared at you which didn't make you feel uneasy, Naganadel was known for staring at you until you moved away quickly.

You eventually did go to sleep after Naganadel stopped staring, the warmth from your Pokémon had also played a pretty big factor in falling asleep faster than a Meowth being pet in the correct spot during the correct time.

Venusaur, Dragalge and Naganadel were some of the last Pokémon asleep but you didn't mind them staying up, they were still their own beings even after being caught which some trainers in rare occasions forget. 

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