|~ Family Restaurant ~|

803 9 2

A good meal!

{ Y/N's Point Of View }

"Come on... Venusaur!" You said

"Saur." Venusaur replied

Venusaur wasn't leaving the house for some reason and you couldn't tell why.

"Is it something I did? Something Toxapex did?" You asked

Toxapex was known for being a little impish

"Really, Venusaur? You're serious. All you wanted was time to sunbathe?" You questioned

"Saur!" Venusaur replied

He got up and began walking along the path as you stared at him and then the sun before shrugging and catching up to him.

You walked onto campus as his flower bloomed fully and began releasing a calming scent that nearby Pokémon were attracted to.

You got into class before everyone and you had sat down.

"You'll be sitting over there with Snowy, Popplio, Turtonator, Marowak, Togedemaru, Steenee and Charjabug." You informed

Venusaur stayed in the most sun-illuminated spot in the room meaning he'd continue to produce quite the calming scent.

"Alola Y/N!" Lillie exclaimed

Snowy walked over to Venusaur quickly and sat down next to him.

"Snowy doesn't warm up to new Pokémon that fast?" Lillie said

"Probably Venusaur's scent. He's been doing it all day ever since he got into the sun." You said

"It is wonderful, Mallow would be so grateful for it at her family restaurant!" Lillie exclaimed

"She owns a restaurant?" You asked

"Mhm! A family one with her dad!" Lillie exclaimed

"Come on Togedemaru! We need to find out what that smell is!" Sophocles shouted

"Togedemaru!" Togedemaru said

"Wait up!" Mallow yelled

they both ran into the room as Steenee looked around for the smell before seeing Venusaur.

"A Venusaur! That's the smell!" Mallow pointed out

"Alola Y/N and Lillie!" Sophocles said

"Alola! Glad you like Venusaur!" You exclaimed

"Alola!" Lillie smiled

"Saur!" Venusaur said

Snowy hopped back at the sudden awakening before slowly creeping back.

"Alola!" Lana said

She and Popplio walked in beside Kiawe and Turtonator.

Venusaur gave a lazy glare at Turtonator.

"Turta..." Turtonator said

Venusaur went closer to Turtonator and Marowak came barging in sooner or later.

"Marowak! Wak! Wak!" Marowak said

Venusaur stared at Marowak who seemed to instantly calm himself upon smelling the fragrance.

"That's a first." Kiawe shrugged

"Turta?" Turtonator said

"Alola class!" Professor Kukui greeted

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