SakuAtsu: Confessions

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The sound of the rain beating the concrete streets heartlessly was most definitely loud but still soft. A tall yet muscular figure ran through the rain, pushing everyone that came across his way just to catch up with a certain someone. He didn’t care what the rain could do to him. He simply just didn’t care about anything, except for a certain 6' 2’’ blond hair man who goes by the name Atsumu.

He wanted to fix the damage he had done to Atsumu. He wanted to apologise for his mistakes. He had misread the signs that Atsumu had given him. All this while, he thought the blond was in love with Oikawa due to how close their relationship was. He thought that he wouldn’t have a chance with Atsumu.

But he thought wrong. The blond was in love with him all along. Earlier that day, Atsumu confessed his undying love to him. He, of course, had panicked and did something that was very stupid which was running away from the situation, leaving Atsumu there feeling heartbroken and upset.

Now, after countless persuasion from his cousin, Komori, as well as an unbearable lecture from Oikawa, he finally had the courage to chase after the man he had so long longed for.

“Atsumu!” he cried out while panting. In front of him, stood the blond man looking puzzled.

“What do you want, Sakusa,” asked the man coldly while huffing in frustration. Sakusa’s heart ripped apart upon hearing Atsumu calling him by his given name.

“Atsu, I am so sorry for running away earlier. I panicked and did something stupid while leaving you there alone feeling confused. I didn’t know how to react to your confession, like I’ve never expected that you will be confessing your feelings for me. I had always thought that you and Oikawa had been a thing, you know because of how close you guys were. Even if that wasn’t the case, I doubt that you would have any feelings towards someone like me. I mean, look at you. You’re so fucking gorgeous, funny and that weird accent of yours is so cute. Not to mention your thighs too. God, I love you so freaking much,” Sakusa mumbled out.

He then continued rambling on about Atsumu while the other man just stared at him with full of amusement as well as adoration, chuckling. He then cupped onto Sakusa’s cheeks before pulling him into a gentle kiss. Sakusa was shocked with what the other had done.

He then kissed him back. The kiss was very sweet and tender, both lips were definitely in sync and at a comfortable position. It was a perfect moment for both of them. Kissing under the heavy rain is very romantic indeed.

“God I love you,” Atsumu said as they separated from their kiss, smiling brightly.

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