IwaOi: People You Know

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Songfic: People You Know by Selena Gomez

You were running through me like water

Fuck, here I am again missing the feeling of physical comfort from Iwaizumi. The pillow that I’ve been tightly hugging is now wet from all the crying. God, why am I so miserable without him.

I just hate this, I really despise this. This is all his fault. Stupid Iwaizumi…

Now the feeling's leaving me dry

Every touch, every memory and every kiss from him seems to be going away. The love and bond we once shared seems to be fading away. No matter how hard I try, I just cannot grasp hold of it. I’ve tried, I’ve tried so hard.

These days we couldn't be farther

Each day that we’re separated, I just feel that I am slowly losing a part of myself.

The part of myself that was happy, charming and cheerful. The part of myself having the love for volleyball, friends and family.

So how's it feel to be on the other side?

How does it feel to be on the other side, Iwaizumi? Seeing you in another’s arms makes me feel sick to the stomach, making me want to sob uncontrollably.

So many wasted (wasted)

Tobio-Chan and Chibi-Chan have been a great help. Constantly helping me when I’m wasted beyond imaginable and throughout these dark times despite me shutting everyone out.

Nights with (nights with) you (you)

Looking through all the pictures, those nights with you were the most memorable. Laying on the bed of grass and watching the night sky whilst listening to our favourite songs… how I wished those moments when I was still yours.

I still could taste it (taste it)

I still have your hoodie. It still smells like you. Inside its pockets, it still contains a small part of us that is still here. I can still feel the small feeling of being loved by you

I hate it, wish I could take it back, 'cause

I seriously hate it. I hate not spending my time with you. I hate not being able to call you mine. I just hate this feeling.

I wish I could get back what we had together. I wish I could get you back…

We used to be close, but people can go

Yeah, we used to be close. We went from childhood best friends to lovers after our high school years.

We have achieved many things together in life. We have spent most of our time together.

But what can I say? We just grow out of it, we grow out of the bond that we once had for something new.

From people you know to people you don't

I just don’t know you now. You’ve changed so much. In fact, too much and too fast for me to be able to keep up.

And what hurts the most is people can go

It pains me, seeing you change to be the person I can no longer recognise. What happened to the promises that we’ve made and the life we both wanted. Was all of that just a tale to be told?

From people you know to people you don't

You’re right on our last argument. I truly don’t know you…

When it was good, we were on fire

The fire we once had, is now gone. What is the point of me thinking about it right now? I thought you made it clear that we had nothing to do with each other now, but I guess, I cannot forget it so easily…

Now I'm breathing ashes and dust

I’m just coughing out blood right now from all the smoke, ashes and alcohol I have taken in. But that’s alright, my time is coming to an end anyways. This painful feeling in my heart is too much to take in.

I always wanna get higher

Grabbing my phone, I sent a final message to Tobio-Chan and Chibi-Chan to thank them for taking care.

I never know when enough is enough

Maybe you’re right, I never know when enough is enough. Now, I have learnt and heard about it all. This is truly enough for me.

So long… Iwa-Chan
I love you

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