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Friday Morning

It was cold.

In the dim light of a gloomy, cloudy day, Kim Jisoo opened her eyes.

It was morning, or maybe it was noon.

There wasn't much difference.

Icy air stung her skin as she checked her cell phone. It was 8 AM.

Zero messages.

She clutched the pillow, the one from the empty side of the bed. She couldn't sleep in the middle of it. It was uncomfortable; there was too much space; it made her feel lonely.

She had Friday off, and it was cold outside. The temptation to go back to sleep and forget everything for more hours was strong.

Yet, she dragged herself out of bed, shivering. It was all about practice, and she had things planned for the day. The post office, then groceries. Maybe a little house cleaning.

It was all about practice.

She took a quick shower, wore comfortable clothes and ate a light breakfast. Making the body gestures automatic even when the mind is not there.

It was all about practice.

The world outside was still dark and cloudy, with no sign of improving, so she took the umbrella.

It was all about practice.

~ ~

Two hours later, she unlocked the door and kicked it open. Her umbrella was dripping on the threshold carpet as she put away the groceries.

Her gaze landed on a stain on the floor.

She steeled herself. It was all about practice.

She was already up. Best cleaning today, to have fewer things to do tomorrow. She quickly jotted down a list and put herself to work.

Sweeping. Dusting. Washing. Laundry.

Hours later, she was tired but proud of herself.

It was a nice, unusual feeling.

~ ~ ~

Friday Noon

Her phone vibrated, surprising her.


She fumbled with her fingerprint, failing to unlock the smartphone.

Annoyed, she switched to the manual password.

The name of her crush. Jendeuk.

Pretty embarrassing for an otherwise practical woman.

She hadn't thought about changing it anytime soon. Like her best friend status won't be changing anytime soon. In Jennie's eyes, they were only sisters, after all.

She tried to push those thoughts aside.

Yet, her fingers shook as she inputted the password. Her background wallpaper stared at her.

A picture of the two of them.


She tapped on the screen.

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