[Vol 1] Chapter 37

Start from the beginning

"Is somthing wrong?" Patrick asked me.

[It's nothing, just my first time seeing the full world map.] I told him.

"Oh, is that so? Then Moris, give her a quick run through." Patrick told him as he nodded.

"Yes sir." Moris responded as I continued to stare at the map.

'It looks so similar to Japan...'I thought looking at its shape.

After studying the shape, Moris and Patrick began to explain what and where some things we're and even told me that their was a country with similar intrest and culture like Japan.

Then there was the Limia Kingdom and the Gritoria Empire. The country Elyushion, which was destroyed by the demons.

Turns out the Demons have claimed half of all the territory there. In response Limia and Gritoria formed an alliance and set an defensive line against the demons.

I reacted to this information, by telling them some of the information I had gotten from Shiki much to their shock as they stared at me.

They told me that if something really is going to happen, it must be to recapture the Stella Fortress. As it is the strongest position of defense against the demons.

The heros of both places will most likely lead the marches as that's why they we're summoned for. To take care of the demons.

Also since the war is a bit far from Lotzgard, it wouldn't effect my business in any negative way.

Taking all this into mind, I started setting on my choices as not only could I have my business thrive without any needs of spying, but I could also learn more about this world I'm in.

'The knowledge I currently have may be enough for now, but the future is untold and it's better I build up on what I already have.' I thought.

[Patrick, as soon as I successfully finish opening up my shop here in Tsilge, I'd like to depart to Lotzgard immediately.] I told him with a determined gaze.

"...Oh?" He said as he stared at me letting his thoughts run.

"Alright! Somtimes it's good to make quick decisions." He said as I nodded.

'I may have made it rather quickly, but I believe that my company will flourish especially since what we give will most likely not be sold anywhere else.' I thought.

"I have some old acquaintances there, as well. I'll ready the documents and letters of recommendation that you'll need for Lotzgard." He told me making give a nod as I gave a small smile under my mask.

[I really appreciate it, Patrick.] I told him.

'Patrick is a very experienced and influential merchant. He may have some ulterior motives in doing this, but I'm sure these two. Are different than that bitch...' I thought rembering the trash I left in Gluttony in a eternal death.

[You have treated me with such kindness all this while, so I must come forth and say I've been lying to you about one thing.] I said.

"Lying?" He questioned as I nodded and reached for my mask.

[It's about this mask. When I met you, I told you that this mask of mine was made in order to hide and seal a very powerful curse casted on me, but in reality I'm not cursed, well completely I guess.] I told him as I made the mask disappear into my inventory and stared forward towards the two men as they took in my appearance.

] I told him as I made the mask disappear into my inventory and stared forward towards the two men as they took in my appearance

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