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" call Taeleigh, I want to hear for myself! " Carolyn demanded, as Joshua stood behind her scolding Janien.

Janien and August had made up a lie to their parents about Janien whereabouts, but before they could inform Taeleigh about it... Janien's parents called her to the living room to talk.

" Hello, Tae? I was just-

" Taeleigh, I want you to tell the truth and the whole truth... was Janien with you tonight?" Carolyn questioned, as she interrupted Janien, and snatched the phone from her hand.

" yes ma'am, we went to the mall and grabbed dinner at Papa Dee's " Taeleigh lied, as Janien let out a low sigh.

" and why was her car parked? " Joshua butted in, as Janien eyes widened.

" yeah sorry, I told her to leave it at Circle K by Westbrook, because she wanted to ride in my car I just brought," Taeleigh said, as Janien parents eyed her.

" mhmm... " Carolyn said, handing Janien back her phone.

" I'm going to put a tracker on your car because something about the situation just doesn't sit right with me " Joshua asserted, " remember what I told you if I catch you around him there will be consequences " Joshua added, referring to Bryce.

Monday mornings weren't Janien's favorite, but she knew she had work to do.

The sound of her iPhone alarm rang throughout the speaker. A tired and restless Janien pushed the covers off of her naked body and let out a sigh.

She then turned over, to turn off her alarm before putting on her robe and sliding into her Ugg slippers.

Suddenly her room door swung open, which startled Janien and revealed August.

" I'm late for school, do you mind dropping me off before work?" August asked as she held a cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin in her free hand.

" Give me a minute " Janien yawned, as she extended her arms out to stretch.


Work was going at a steady pace for Janien today. Although her overthinking threw her into a frenzy, she kept it pushing and unnoticed by her colleagues.

" How are you today Janien?" Ellen, one of Janien's colleagues said.

" I'm a bit tired, but I'm surviving off of a cup of coffee and banana nut loaf " Janien responded, as she took a sip of her coffee.

" Luckily we have two more hours," Ellen said, as she typed away on her keyboard.

Janien's phone buzzed, right before she picked it up to check her notifications.

" telepathically," She thought, as she clicked on the message from Bryce.

- Wya, I wanna chill?

- I'm at work, I'll be off in two hours though.

- I wanna see you pretty as face now. Where do you work at?

- The nursing home, off Belmont Street.

Janien clocked out an hour early, before heading out of the building.

She straddled her Tote on her shoulder as she held her phone and keys in her hand.

The sound of Bryce Challenger Honked notifying her that he was there to pick her up.

" what bout my car?" Janien questioned, as she hopped in the passenger seat of Bryce's Challenger.

" We will be back ma " He assured her, before pulling off.

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