What Do They Call Him ?

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The sound of Sienna's heals along the marble floors of the courthouse slowly fade leaving Frank in silence & nothing but his thoughts as he waited for an officer to get him. Her smile was embedded in his mind, the way she carried herself, she was assertive but had a gentleness to her that drew him in. On her way out she thought about the things he's been accused of, what he's actually done. Any normal person would stay as far away from him as possible but not Sienna, something about him completely intrigued her. Sure he looked absolutely terrifying, he was tall, muscular, his stare pierced into your soul, but behind all of that she knew there was good.

The cab ride to her office seemed longer than usual, even with the traffic some what lighter than usual for a busy morning in Manhattan. She fell into a complete trance thinking of him, the way he clenched his jaw when he was lost in deep thought, the veins bulging on the skin along his arms and hands, but what stood out to her the most was the way he looked at her when their gazes would meet. That piercing stare that would make a man run would vanish instantly. Her day dreaming is cut short when her cab comes to a stop, snapping her back into reality. She had her work cut out for her and was determined to help Frank clear his name, she cancelled all of her meetings for the month, dinner plans she may have made, everything.

Once in her office she gets straight to work making sure witness statements are all in line, surveillance videos as clear as possible, date & times are correct. So far so good. She was completely zoned into her work that she hadn't heard the knock at her door, a woman with a petite frame walks in softly speaking.

"Ms. Forbes... Ms- Ms. Forbes."

"Hmm ? Sorry, Anna I didn't hear you come in." She responds looking up at the young woman. "You have a visitor, I told him you were unavailable but he says he owns the building ?" A loud chaos is heard outside, Sienna knew immediately who it was why wouldn't she know. She takes a deep breath and smiles, "It's okay let him in." Anna walks out quickly returning with an all too familiar face.

"You'd think they know me by now, my names on the building !"

Sienna chuckles standing from her desk "You'd be surprised at how many people don't know who Tony Stark is."

Yes, yes, Iron man. Sienna's only & favorite uncle, unless you want to count Happy as a close second. Tony took Sienna in when she was just a little girl, first her mother passed away then her father. Tony was really all she had as far as family went, she's a successful lawyer in Manhattan so it's safe to say he did a good job with her, but on this day, he wasn't just paying a friendly visit. Word of her working with Frank Castle actually spread pretty fast, not only because of who he was but because of who SHE was.

"How have you been sweetheart ?" He asks closing in for a hug.

"Pretty good, just busy with a new client." She watched him pace the room preparing to ask or say something, before she can ask anything he quickly turns to face her.

"Frank Castle right ? What do they call him ?" He asks.

Her demeanor changes, quickly realizing why he's really there. Had he talked to Bucky ? Maybe he sent him thinking she'd listen to family that being Frank's lawyer was a bad idea. If that was the case he was wrong, Sienna was as stubborn as a bull and that's what made her such a good lawyer, she was good at standing her ground & wasn't one to back down. With a siren like stare she locks in on him with her head held high.

"The Punisher." She says causing a slight tension between them. He nods as he continues to pace around avoiding any eye contact with her. She keeps her gaze locked on him waiting for a response. "How important is this job to you ? Is the pay really that good ?" He asks.

"I like helping people & the pay is pretty decent for my life style." She responds, he nods again continuing to pace around the room before coming to a stop facing her. He smiles that charming smile and chuckles.

"I was hoping you'd say you hated it because there's a position available with SHIELD, it's practically yours if you want to take the offer & it pays triple what you're making here." His tone of voice gave him away, he was too cocky. He did talk to Bucky, analyzing her situation she ponders for a moment flashing a smile his way letting him get comfortable before responding.

"You know... if I didn't know any better I'd think you talked to Bucky and you two are trying really hard to make me abandon my client." Her smiles fades as a brow slightly raises, Tony's posture changes, his face drops, she knows. He chuckles admitting to what she said, he almost wanted to lie again but it was too late. Of course she knew he was lying, it's her job to scope that out in someone.

"He called yeah... we just don't like the idea of you being involved with him is all."

She softly scoffs with a smile walking over to the door to open it. "I appreciate your concern uncle Tony, but I take my job very seriously... I told him I'd clear his name & I intend to do just that." Seeing as she didn't even budge he leaves. If there was one thing Tony was good at it's persuasion but nothing works on Sienna and she in fact does take her job very seriously, he knew that but the thought of his niece being so close to a monster like Frank didn't sit right with him.


Hi ! Sorry for the wait I've had some trouble with this part but my brain is already spiraling for the next !

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