You Can Call Me Frank

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"The case rests your honor, there's simply not enough evidence to prove my client was even at the scene at the time of the murders. We have more proof of his whereabouts for that night, none of them which place him anywhere near the crime scene."

With the end of his trial and the verdict unanimously reaching not guilty, a loud clap echos in the court room followed by a relieved laugh. Sienna smiles as she gathers her things making her way over to Frank who flashes a charming smile.

"You believed in me when everyone else didn't, no one wanted to fight for me the way you have, thank you Ms. Forbes." he says.

She looks up at him, his eyes beaming with excitement she softly smiles extending her hand to shake his "You can call me Sienna."

It takes him a second to realize he's been shaking her hand for a little longer than normal, he never noticed it until now that her gray eyes had the slightest hint of blue. He clears his throat with a nervous chuckle quickly pulling his hand away.

"Sorry that was- an awkward handshake huh ?" He says glancing down hiding the red in his cheeks. Her soft laugh brings his gaze back to hers, "It's okay, wasn't awkward at all." Exchanging a slight nod as they part ways, he watches her strut down the aisle almost in slow motion, her hips swaying from side to side, the way her hair swings over her shoulder showing her beautiful smile as she turns to say goodbye to a colleague.

Being that she was his lawyer and he had the upmost respect for her he wouldn't dare say a word or make a move but, he was no longer a client. Asking her out wouldn't be completely inappropriate, or unprofessional would it ? Of course not, but what if she rejects him ? A slight possibility but the way she smiled at him, maybe he had a chance. "Screw it" he says running out catching her at the elevator.

"Is there anything else I can help you with Mr. Castle ?" she asks. He smiles holding her gaze, "You know... you can call me Frank, Mr. Castle was my father." She nods with a smile "Frank..." she says in the sweetest, softest, tone he's ever heard his name being said, the side of his mouth slightly curls up into a smile before he snaps himself out of the moment. "Can I buy you a drink ? You know for clearing my name, or is that not acceptable you being my lawyer and all ?" She checks the time on her phone when the doors open, without saying a word she steps inside the empty elevator. Frank stands with his heart sinking into the pit of his stomach assuming her silence was a hard no, when she suddenly swings her arm out holding the door before it closes, peaking her head around "I stopped being your lawyer the minute we walked out of that courtroom, so I'll take a glass of wine... if you can call that a drink ?" She flashes a smile that makes his heart feel like it's exploding out of his chest.


After a much needed break I've decided to get back into it ! If I also have to be completely honest, my brain fried and I just couldn't seem to write anything BUT I've been inspired 😅 so I really hope you all enjoy ! Please vote & comment ! I'll be working on my posting schedule soon & give an update for that ! ❤️

~ Marvel Momma

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