He's A Complete Monster

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The sun begins to peak through the curtains slowly brightening the bedroom, it suddenly hits her face making her groan as she tosses the blanket over her face. While under the blanket she smells freshly brewed coffee, her favorite actually... followed by mesquite smoked bacon, also her favorite. Sienna lives alone, so who was cooking in her kitchen ?

Her eyes shoot open, tossing the blanket over she reaches in the nightstand grabbing her gun, she slowly makes her way out of the bedroom down the hall, quietly taking each step when she reaches the edge of the wall and peers into her kitchen. To her relief she recognizes the back of the man who stands over the stove.

"How the hell did you get in here ?" She asks.

"What happened to the spare key ?" He asks without turning to face her.

Taking a deep breath she sets her gun on the counter reaching up to grab a coffee cup, she turns back to face him with no response watching as he carefully places a couple slices of bacon on a plate with pancakes, eggs, and a side of mixed fruits. He looks over his shoulder waiting for a response, "Are you awake over there ?" He laughs.

"Nat took it, she stayed here a few nights ago" she says.

"You're letting people stay in my apartment now ?" He asks. "My apartment" she responds.

He nods while taking a bite of the slice of bacon in his hand "So I guess I owe you a new doorknob." She stares at him with annoyance that quickly fades as she lets out a soft laugh "Seriously Buck that's the third one... the first two times the key was where it always is."

"There was no key so vibranium arm was the solution." he says holding his hand up. She rolls her eyes grabbing her plate, heading to the table, he closely follows pulling her chair out while taking the seat across from her. "So aside from breaking and entering, and stealing my food why are you here ?" She asks. He raises a brow with the smile that used to make her heart go wild.

James Buchanan Barnes, former assassin, currently trying to make amends for his past... Sienna's ex boyfriend. They were a pretty good match for each other, she kept his head above water making sure he always saw the bright side of things, she was his rock when the memories of his kills came flooding back. While she was the one who gave him hope, he was her protector. He lost a lot as the winter soldier, friends, family, his whole life. He promised himself & her that he'd always keep her out of harms way, especially because she was the niece of none other than Tony Stark.

"Wanted to see how you've been doing doll, it's been a while." He says searching for her gaze, she keeps her head down pushing the fruit around on her plate.

"We broke up months ago Buck, you could've just called" she says. He reaches over the table gently grabbing her chin to look up at him, their gazes lock for what seems like an eternity. His ocean blue eyes always did something to her, the grey & blue in hers made him lose all sense of time. She blinks coming out of the enchanting trance, pulling away. Sensing the awkwardness he leans back in his chair clearing his throat, she looks up immediately recognizing the look on his face. He wants to ask her something, but trying to find the way to ask without making her upset. She sighs setting her fork down on the plate "What is it ?" she asks.

With hesitation he takes a deep breath looking straight at her.

"You're representing Frank Castle ?" He asks. She stands grabbing her plate, she makes her way to the kitchen in silence almost as if to as avoid the question.

But it was a serious question, no one in their right mind wanted to work with Frank Castle in his latest trial. The Punisher is what they called him, to everyone that knew about him, he was a monster. They believed he should be locked away & forgotten, some even thought he belonged in a mental institution. But he served his time for the crimes he committed, he was trying to be better. He was doing good for himself, he got a job in construction, mostly kept to himself & stayed out of trouble. Until a case of mistaken identity had him at a the center of a double homicide. Enter Sienna Forbes, New York's finest defense attorney.

Sienna fought tirelessly, talking to witnesses who claimed to have seen Frank in the area the night of the murders and gathering surveillance from every business on the block. While doing her job she didn't believe he was 100% innocent either, she knew of the things he did that landed him in prison the first time around, but she also knew that he lost his family, he had a wife, kids. He was out for vengeance for his family's sake, but in doing so he did the city a favor. Turns out the same men responsible for the murders of his wife and kids were linked to one of the most gruesome murders the state of New York had ever seen months prior to the death of his family.

"I hear he's claiming not guilty... do you believe him ?" Bucky asks following her into the kitchen. She leans over the counter glancing over at him. "I can't talk about it" she says.

"Do you believe him ?" He asks again. She quietly stands for a moment answering with only a stare making him chuckle.

"C'mon Sienna, look I know you're his lawyer and your job is to prove his innocence but even you know he's a complete monster." He protests.

"You know... I remember when everyone said the same thing about you." Her words seem to trigger him, he clenches his jaw thinking of a comeback but she was right. He wouldn't agree with her at that exact moment but if it wasn't for her fighting for him he'd have been in a high security prison himself or dead. After a bit of an awkward silence she looks at the time, "Thanks for the breakfast... I have a meeting with the monster so..."

With a slight nod he makes his way out. Closing the door behind him as he leaves she stands against it for a moment, Frank was a criminal there was no doubt about it. Defending him & proving his innocence for once turned out to be a difficult task, but Sienna didn't seem to see the monster everyone else did. She saw a man who grieved the loss of his family & took justice into his own hands when those who should've, didn't.

Hi ! 😊 I've been debating this part I'm not sure if it's too much and doesn't make any sense or if it's okay 🥲  so please be nice 😭

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