"I want to marry you. Here. Today."

His words were spoken with such confidence, I was too gobsmacked to react. Let alone to say anything. His eyes hold my gaze strongly, I can only blink in response. It's Edith that breaks the silence.

"You cannot."

"Why? I can and I will. I love her."

"I know you do, Marcel. I am not trying to keep you from marrying her. But you just can't. Not in the UK."

"We're in a courthouse. There must be a judge or somebody that can marry us..."

"You have to give notice of marriage."

"How long is that?"

"Twenty-eight days."

"I have to wait four weeks before marrying her?"

"If you register today at the Register Office."

"That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard."

"It's to give anyone with strong grounds the time to challenge the union."

"I don't want that."

"Marcel? Calm down. What's the hurry? Why does it have to be today? You haven't even asked Grace her thoughts about this."

I look at Edith, and then face her son. My mouth falls open, but I can't say a word. Marcel's eyes speak for him, he is begging me. I feel it in my bones. I don't know why he is acting like this. I don't even know if I want to get married today, whether we can or not. I promised to be there for him today, and if it means to become his wife, that's what I'll do.

"If you can find a way, then yes. I'll marry you today."

He pulls me by the hand before I can even read the emotions on his face. He embraces me with strength, and love. I ravish in his arms, and I don't even question his motive. He pecks my forehead with fervour. He parts from me to hold me at arm's length and looks deeply into my eyes for any signs of hesitation. I simply smile in return.

I'd do anything for this man.


"Let's go home. Pack our bags. We're going away." He lets out as he takes my hand and walks us out of the courthouse. Edith follows right behind us as we walk our way to Mace's car.

"Are you seriously considering leaving the country midtrial?" She voices her concerns loudly, but Mace doesn't let it affect him in any way. He simply holds onto my hand tighter.

"I am."

"This is absurd, Marcel. Why can't you wait? Grace is supposed to testify next week."

"It's only next week. We have the time to go anywhere and come back."

"Why don't you answer me? Why the rush?" She stops in the middle of the sidewalk, demanding an answer from her son. Marcel ultimately stops as well. He turns around, leaving my hand to face his mother. He is dead serious, looking at her straight in the eyes as he murmurs his response.

"Because I'm fucking terrified, Mum. You should have seen the way he looked at me. I'm next. Or she is." He holds her gaze. The tremolo in his voice speaks loudly enough, I don't say anything. I understand. "I felt like I was both threatened and meaningless at the same time. And I don't want to feel as helpless and defeated as I felt twelve years ago."

He turns around, reaches for my hand and walks the few steps separating us from his car. He unlocks the doors and we take the front seats. Edith gets into the backseat slowly. We wait for her to buckle her seatbelt before leaving the burrough to head to Hampstead.

FLYING  |  Sequel of FALLEN (NaNoWriMo 2022 WINNER)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt