The next morning, I choose to spend my time at Marcel's lesson. It's with my third espresso that I'm sitting next to him, listening to his accent like a lullaby, drawing him in my sketchbook. I'm sketching his eyes again when he takes a seat by my side and peeks over my shoulder. He drops a kiss to it and only then do I look at him.

"Inspired by what you see?" He murmurs to my ear.

"Always. Especially when I look at my fiancé."

"Mmmh... I do love the sound of that." He purrs softly, passion burning in his eyes again.

I lean in for a gentle kiss, but part when Logan and Emma come to the dining room table for lunch.

"Want me to make you something while you finish that?" Mace suggests as he rises up to his feet to join our host by the kitchen island.

It doesn't take time for Emma to take Marcel's place at the table. She has a plate with a sandwich in hand when she scotches the chair closer to the wooden surface. She looks over to my drawing and moans, her mouth full.

"That's gorgeous. Is there something you are not skilled at?" She teases with smiling eyes, half of her bite hiding inside her cheek.

"Oh plenty... Marcel just makes everything easier."

"I can see that. It's beautiful. Speaking of, where did you two disappear to yesterday? Logan and I were alone in the veranda for most of the day."

"Yeah... A little something happened..." I grin and show her my left hand.

Her eyes widen immediately, her mouth still full. She takes my hand in hers to look at the ring more closely. She moves it under the light to see it sparkle.

"Congratulations!" She exclaims to me and looks above. "Logan! They're engaged."

I turn to look at him, my hand still being intricately watched by Emma. Logan's face genuinely brightens up, as does Marcel's. With a hand on his shoulder, Logan pulls my man into a hug with loud pats on the back. The smile on Marcel is so wide, it digs his dimple very deep.

I know he loves me, but seeing how happy he is right now is something else. It makes my heart palpitate in my chest. My cheeks fluster with pure delight. My eyes prickle with rising tears. I try to contain them, but I'm just happy beyond words.

Logan walks to me and presses a kiss to my cheek as he kneels next to Emma to look at the ring himself.

"It's gorgeous. Congratulations. What made you finally say yes?"

"I called my brother. He talked some sense into me. And I realised that when I missed my family, Marcel was the family I wanted."

"We are really happy for you. We'll have to celebrate it when we come back to town." Logan looks over at Emma, sharing a smile.

"Or we can celebrate tonight. I still haven't given Grace her last birthday present. And I think somebody wanted a lesson." I hear Mace suggest, and my whole body freezes.

I know what he means, and I get nervous, until I settle my eyes on Logan, his smirk growing like the Cheshire cat. He rises to his feet and joins his new friend by the kitchen island.

"What does this mean?" Emma leans in as we both keep glancing at our men, proud, suddenly secretive.

"Logan said you've seen Fifty Shades."

"Yeah, but why would it matter with your birthday present?"

"Marcel is my Christian Grey. And Logan wants to become yours."

FLYING  |  Sequel of FALLEN (NaNoWriMo 2022 WINNER)Where stories live. Discover now