"I do. For ten years now."

"Do you believe this guy!?" He lets out rhetorically, looking at Emma. "Marcel is a pilot."

"Pilot as in planes?"

"Yes, he owns one as well." I let out proudly. My own Maverick.

"Is there something you can't do?" She smiles at him, buckling her seat belt, and then looking at Logan, wide-eyed.

"Make friends." I tease him, and bring our joined hands to my lips to peck his skin.

"Hey! What do you call us?" She reacts, and it widens the smile on my boyfriend's lips.

She inquires about Marcel's studies. He shares his training in the RAF and how he came back to London to work at the company and go to University.

"It must have been extraordinary to fly with him the first time."

"It really was. I've never experienced something quite like it."

"I don't doubt it."

"I let her fly the plane."

"You did? How was it?"

"Terrifying. Thrilling. I couldn't believe it until I took a strong turn, and the plane obeyed. It was wonderful. I just didn't trust myself with this much responsibility."

"Would you mind if we stopped by our house to drop our luggages and pack something fresh for our stay at the hotel?" Logan changes the subject as we enter the metropolitain area.

"I'd love to see what your house looks like." I add, looking at Marcel to confirm he's agreeing. Not that we could do anything if we'd opposed. "I would love to see my art in their new home."

"I can't believe you are giving us both sculptures."

"I wouldn't trust clay to resist the trip to London. I'm just happy you want to have Marcel's face in your home."

"Why wouldn't we? It's a gorgeous face."

"And a good reminder of what those lips can do." I let out before I can think my words through. I'm even shocked at my words. Marcel only smirks as I see Emma blushing on the front seat, hiding her face from Logan's. "I'm sorry. That was inappropriate."

"I'm sure that what's inappropriate right now is my wife's thoughts."

"Unless she's thinking about my lips, then you have nothing to worry about."

"I wouldn't be so sure, Grace. You have been on her mind a lot this past week."

"Me? It's me who's blushing now. You flatter me, Emma."

"I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, but since it's our last time together for a long time, I'd like the opportunity to return to you both the pleasure you have made me experience." She doesn't look at us, nor turn to see our reaction. Instead, it's Logan's eyes I find staring back at us through the rear view mirror.

I look at Marcel, search for his eyes, but he looks at the snowy horizon outside his window. I bring our joined hands to my lips to peck his skin. Only then does he look at me. He nods upwards, and I understand that he lets me make the call. And it only makes my heart race in my chest, loving him to the fullest. I sigh and look up to dive my gaze into Logan's through the mirror.

"Then I'd say it's fortunate that we don't have any swimsuits with us."


The resort is a wonderful sight in the falling snow. We are greeted warmly, arriving in Emma's company. The hotel is welcoming and luxurious. It's beautifully decorated for Christmas already. It makes this getaway all the more inviting. We were surprised when we got to our room to realise we had been offered the penthouse suite, with a gorgeous view of the freezing lake. The darkness of the evening made the lighted city even more beautiful. It's a little touristic city, but from what we had the chance to see it's incredibly charming.

FLYING  |  Sequel of FALLEN (NaNoWriMo 2022 WINNER)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora