Chapter 8 - The Disappeared

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Aniya Skywalker

I have no idea how we got stuck on a mission with Jar Jar of all things in the entire galaxy. Not that I'm complaining, of course. I've been struggling with getting the energy to so much as get out of bed in the morning lately, and I certainly am glad to be around someone who is constantly bouncing with energy and always moving. Maybe that will help me, if nothing else.

"Ani!" the Gungan squeals cheerfully, "Mesa so smilen to see yousa again!"

"It's good to see you too, Jar Jar," Anakin replies.

"I didn't expect to get a mission together," I agree.

"Mesa no thinkin' the Queenie will want yousa to come, but mesa will explain!" he assures us.

"The Council explained their reluctance," I respond. Apparently, the Bordottans don't like the Jedi because they see them as kidnapping their children to train them a Jedi. The only one they wanted to come war Jar Jar but given that ancient mystics among their people called the Dagoyan masters, who have a strong connection with the Force, are disappearing, a Jedi definitely seemed the best to solve the problem. I'm honestly not really sure what to make of that – I imagine there is a certain truth to the claims of those on the planet, even if it is not quite as they perceive it.

"Do you know her?" Anakin wonders.

"Yup!" The Gungan agrees cheerfully. "The Queen is mesa pallo. Messa knowin' her for a longo time."

"Well, that should make this easier," I deduce. Or so we can hope.

"How are things in the Senate?" Anakin asks.

"These bombad times!" the Gungan replies, "Theysa no listen to mesa or Padme."

I frown. "They still don't take you seriously?" We haven't talked to Jar Jar much since he became a representative, but I know that's one of the biggest problems he's always had. Because of his species and how he talks and acts, no one takes hm seriously, and I'll never understand why. Maybe it's simply because someone as innocent and caring as him really doesn't belong in politics in the first place. At least not in the way politics are now, because that's probably how politicians ought to be.

"Issa the same as before," he responds, looking slightly more downcast for a moment before brightening again, "How are yousa? Wesa no see eacha other in longo time!"

"We are doing alright," Anakin tells him, which is... a passable lie, I suppose.

Not that ranting about the problems will make them go away. "But things have... been better," I add.

Jar Jar sobers a little at that. "Mesa heard yousa padawans leave," he says. I nod, a fresh stab of pain running through me. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned this. Talking about it only makes it worse.

"Yes," Anakin agrees, looking away.

"Yousa sad," Jar Jar observes sympathetically, and steps forwards, promptly hugging both of us. I'm slightly caught off guard, but I instantly return it with one arm.

"Maybe yousa see them again someday," he assures, when we pull apart.

"Maybe." I look away, furiously blinking back the tears stubbornly stinging my eyes. None of us mention it again after that.

We land on the planet before long, and unsurprisingly, the guards are most unhappy to see us here, demanding that we turn over our lightsabers. It'll only make it more difficult for us to handle danger, but I keep my comments to myself as we're escorted inside. That's not something we can argue even if I don't like it.

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