Chapter 12

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Once he had gotten over the initial fact that he really threw his damn annoying but pretty bracelet at Jisung and really left it on the chain, he felt pissed once again. He had worn the bracelet a total of two times─ rally day and the day he got it─ and now it was in Jisung's hold and he couldn't be any more exasperated. Spring rally which meant they had a week of spring break and during that week, he thought.

His whole deal was done.

What led up to some of the most astonishing and mind-whirling times of his life were officially over and he couldn't remember what the hell he was doing before dodging Jisung at any given time.

Was he honestly just existing, walking around like a normal human day to day without a second glance? Was he really just existing in pure peace without the sound of a pen click, someone calling his name, someone calling him a Sugar Baby or slinging an arm around his waist or shoulders? Did he really just go to school, go home, sometimes visit his future company and repeat? He couldn’t remember what all he did besides occasionally roll up to Donghyuck's house and waste time. His poor drivers were probably just getting used to him being places and now he’d fall back into a boring life.

Chenle suddenly felt distressed.

Jisung seriously filled the gaps in his life he never noticed and now he didn't know if he should be thankful he got to see a different lifestyle or be pissed that he got to see a lifestyle he potentially would never have again.

For the entirety of three whole days, Chenle stayed at home either in his room, walking in their gardens, actively avoiding the fridge of vegetables, or finding solace in his small library where he half-heartedly stared at the silent quests inscribed in pages that lay in his lap.

He couldn't wrap around it in his mind that now that he knew fully that Jisung had no business associating with him anymore, he suddenly wanted to. It was so damn annoying but he couldn’t stop his thoughts.

Really, he shouldn't have been thinking so hard of the taller that he had originally told himself he hated. He should've really paid more attention to his surroundings because then that meant he would've heard his-




"Do you need an ear check-up?! We've been calling you for the past fifteen minutes! Your Father and I want to talk to you and the poor, poor workers are running around like headless chickens just to find you staring outside as if you lost your spouse in war! Come now!"

Chenle sighed loudly and with a grumble, put down his mostly unread book as he followed his Mother to their at-home office. It was an odd time for his parents to be home but hey, even business owners could possibly get tired of their own company.

"Yes? I'm here," Chenle announced, settling down as he looked at his parents expectantly.

He wasn't sure what they could possibly want but if it were something way too annoying to accomplish, he’d ask his grandpa to get him out of stress.

"We concluded something," his Father stated, slowly nodding as his Mother continued.

"We've concluded that someone, such as our son, has been spending money like crazy. And not our money, someone else's money."

Chenle looked at them quietly, an eyebrow raised as he tried figuring out what they were talking about.

"What? I haven't," he argued, a frown on his face.

"Lele, we visited the rally grounds. Everything there was expensive. So very expensive and you just asked for all those things without a second thought? You don't think the Park family worked hard for their money just for our inconsiderate son to request such pricey things? If you wanted expensive accessories there, you should've asked us to help with some of the burden."

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