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Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Steady breaths and guttural moans quietly exited his mouth. His hand was slicked in lube and another balanced him against a wall where he could easily jack off without problem.

Pleasure shot through his body and before he knew it, he was cumming over the shower wall with a string of dirty curses and a name rolling over his lips repeatedly. It was something he had been doing for roughly over a year. Something so dirty that he no longer felt guilty staring at the laminated photograph of his business rival and masturbating to the pretty face. The photograph that was literally restricted for anyone to have outside the other's family, yet he so boldly captured and kept.

Pretty face, foul mouth, cute stature, disgusting attitude, nice money, horrid mindset. And the worst part? He was only like that with him, and they had never even spoken a word to each other. It was all his silent attitude that conveyed those emotions. To everyone else on Earth, Zhong Chenle was an absolute angel! It was most likely the business competition that had him acting as such.

But damn did Jisung like a pretty face! And damn did he want to get him in his grasp by any method.

Zhong Chenle was used to getting things his way. His Father a successful business owner, his Mother the daughter of another successful business owner, and then there was him. The spoiled and loved son whom they doted on.

If Chenle wanted a new phone, no problem; if he wanted a week-long trip during the summer with all-inclusive, how could they deny such a request?

But sometimes, when he didn't get his way, his Grandpa was there to spoil him. But sometimes, people who he couldn't use to his own benefit were the causes of his life problems.

He was taking the final class for the day, one that thankfully ended right before lunch and allowed him to waste time for the rest of the day. He was already running late, having accidentally woken up past usual time. He was spoiled but that didn't mean he wasn't responsible.

Honestly, he normally got whatever he wanted after promising he wasn't just wasting his life by doing nothing. Whether that meant cleaning his room, or organizing his Father's five hundred files in alphabetical order, he got a little something because that was how they accustomed him. With so much money, sometimes they didn't know how to spend it except on their son.

His legs were aching from running, not used to putting in any energy. He was almost there, just a little more and then he could endure the hour and go home.

Unfortunately, he never made it in the few minutes he hoped to accomplish his run. Instead, he found himself sprawled on the floor with the most annoying smirk staring down at him. He was pissed. He already hated the man.

"You! Do you fucking know who I am?!" Chenle seethed, face burning in fury as he stood up against the insufferable male he had only seen in passing and despised for the very reason that he always seemed so arrogant and pride filled. His finger pointed at him in an accusatory way, black hair falling over parts of his eyes in a way that portrayed his pissed expression vividly.

"You?" He replied coolly. "You are no one compared to me, sweetheart. Don't come up to me and ask that if you can't even look someone in the eye. Especially someone who is twice your size. Next time look where you're going and you won't feel the need to pretend to be bigger than who you are." 

"You surely talk a lot of shit for someone who pretends to be great. I'll have you know; your existence is nothing when it comes to me so don't you DARE try and belittle me, bitch." 

Chenle turned to stomp away with a furious huff, anger shaking him as he ignored stares. He fucking hated him. He hated him so much it hurt. And hating him more seemingly wasn't a problem. 

"Say that to me when you're squirming under me and asking me to humiliate you. I just know you're into those things," he laughed, black hair shading his eyes. 

And all Chenle could do, lest he possibly do something stupid, was spin around and hiss two final words at him to express his distaste.

"Fuck you."

Deep laughter echoed behind him, fists gripped and he knew that Park Jisung and himself would be having many more non-exciting run-ins after that.

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