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That was what you felt every time you were about to receive. And honestly, at first you had always thought it was kinda of a stupid word. But the feeling that came with it was terrifying and exhilarating–sending tingles all up your body like an electric shock.

You eyed the guy with the thick eyebrows–who was apparently serving first. He tossed it up, and jumped.

Your body tensed as you saw the ball flying down, and your eyes narrowed as you fixed on the trajectory of the oncoming ball. To the left. Your hands reached out, and you felt the volleyball reflect off your forearms. Up it went, flying upwards and towards Akari.

"Nice receive," Kairi murmured next to you, and you nodded in response–not taking your eyes on the volleyball as Akari set it up towards Sumiko.

The spike was so perfect you gasped. It was over in an instant–the ball flew cross-court, opposite to where the libero was.

"Yeah!" Sumiko shouted, pumping her fists up excitedly in the air.

The next point wasn't so lucky. Your eyes followed Kunimi whenever you had to sit out, watching his every move–the way he tilted his head right before a receive, and the way he spiked the ball. The points continued to stack up against each other–desperately scrambling above the other until it was already at 18:19, with your team just a point behind the other.

"This isn't good," Pika whispered to you as you switched places once again. She put a hand on your shoulder, making sure you stopped to listen to her. "If they get to twenty first–bad for morale."

"Yeah," you mumbled back, "we have to win this one."

The salmon-haired guy stepped up, and took what seemed to be a deep breath as he prepared to serve. You didn't let it get to you, since you had already faced the wrath of Oikawa's serve twice. There were only two words to describe it. Pure power.

It had no fixed direction, since Oikawa seemed to put only strength in that one serve. Precision seemed to be the least of his concerns when he served–and you understood why. The first time he served, you had stood like a frightened cat–tense and not daring to move as it whizzed by your head.

You could still feel the terror you when it first happened. If you got hit with that in the face, you were sure you would have more than just a busted nose.

The serves of the other players were awfully gentle compared to Oikawa's, so you received it with ease. You could see how the other team's gazes turned to Akari–who had her hands up, ready to set. As you locked eyes with her, you asked a silent question. She nodded–just the tiniest of nods–but you believed her.

You let it fly towards her in a nice arch, and you watched the boys rush towards Etsuko to block the upcoming spike. You thought perhaps Kunimi realized what happened at the end–since you saw his eyes widen and his body try to turn the other way. But it was too late.

A setter dump.

Akari smirked, smugness lacing her every feature–especially when she looked at Oikawa and said, "Thanks for the advice last time."

You weren't sure what they were talking about, but when you saw Oikawa scoff at Akari's proud expression, you guessed that Oikawa had played the same trick in their last practice match.

And now, thanks to Akari's quick thinking–they had caught up.

"Five more points," you murmured, wiping off the sweat from your forehead as you went back to the benches. You took a quick sip of water, and repeated yourself. "Five more points–and we'll win."

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