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"What?" you asked, astonished. 

Your parents stood before you, for once agreeing on something. You shook your head in disbelief, as if you had heard them wrong the first time. "You're getting a divorce?"

You had seen it coming, but somehow, despite all the cracks and holes in your family, divorce had never come to your mind. 

Never thought that there would be a day where you had to come home to only one parent. Everything seemed to be going wrong for you lately, and you couldn't help blaming it on life and not yourself.

"Yes," your mother replied, a sad look in her eyes.

"We've decided." your dad agreed.

It was so weird, them not fighting–not spitting at each other. It was unsettling, scary, awful. 

"But what about me?" you asked, you couldn't stop your selfish question. You looked between the two, desperation seeping through your voice, "What happens to me when you guys separate?"

"We've decided that you'd spend three years one each side," your mother explained gently. "You'll spend junior high with your dad, and then high school with me."

"Yes," your father nodded. "We'll be on the other side of the Miyagi district. I already have a school for you. Yukigaoka would be a good choice for you."

"But–but my friends!" you stammered, remembering your last conversation with Kunimi.

 If he wasn't your friend anymore, did you actually have any friends left?

 You wanted to talk to him, yet every time you thought of him, you thought about the insults and rage he had hurled in your way. He wouldn't listen, and neither would you.


You were stuck in place. 


"You'll make new friends," your father reassured, misinterpreting your 'oh'.

If Kunimi wasn't going to be your friend anymore, perhaps it was better to move away. Perhaps it was better to forget about him and the three years of fun you had spent together. You were separate people now, you both had to walk away–in different directions. 

That was the only option to hide the fact that you would miss him.


A/N: sorry for the very, very short chapter. exciting next chapter btw! new character coming in: a certain orange ball of sunshine <3

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