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"Good job on making the team," Yui congratulated, as you settled into your desk next to hers. Her face was it's usual: strawberry pink lips pursed and eyes focused on a little sparrow outside the window.

"Thank you for helping me join," you said, smiling as Yui made a 'hm' sound.

"All I did was tell you the club existed–and I'm sure you would have found out before the tryouts either way," Yui said, pointing out the obvious. "They were mentioning it on morning announcements."

You snorted, crossing your arms, "Why do you have to be so humble."

"Would you prefer I be rude and shallow?" Yui retorted, though unlike Kunimi–her comebacks were very...truthful. Most of the time you thought that she was just simply stating her thoughts, instead of choosing words to provoke you. It sounded like she was just stating facts–unlike Kunimi, who obviously enjoyed poking you.

"No," you mumbled, stretching out your arms across the desk with a yawn. "But you should loosen up a little bit."

Yui blinked, surprised at your straightforwardness. She quickly recovered, her words still as elegant as ever, "First of all, you're just as antisocial as I am. Secondly, what makes you think I'm not loose?"

She almost seemed genuinely offended.

It was funny enough to make you burst out in giggles. You covered your mouth, but another fit of laughter broke through your very ineffective barrier.

"What?" Yui asked, her lips forming a half-smile, as if she wanted to understand the joke–her irritated, befuddled expression. She crossed her arms, "Am I really that amusing to you, Nakamura-san?"

"[Name]," you corrected, barely forcing the words out before you met her puzzled gaze and burst into laughter again. 

You weren't quite sure why you were laughing so hard, your cheeks hurt from smiling so widely, and your chest heaved as you gasped for much needed air.

"Sorry," you said between breaths, suppressing another giggle when Yui raised her eyebrow at you with a 'I am judging you' expression.

"Why were you laughing?" she demanded, scowling in a way that you thought was rather adorable.

 Perhaps Yui was more mature than you most of the time, a part of her reminded you of a little you–when you would nag your parents for days when you found out they were hiding a secret.

When was that? You mused, leaning back in your chair. A dim memory of you tugging on your mother's shirt flashed into your mind. Before the fights?

"I don't know," you answered honestly, smiling again when Yui snorted, as if she didn't believe your answer. 

You quickly changed the subject, drawing on a topic she had mentioned last time you mentioned the club. "You said you had a brother in the volleyball club?"

Yui blinked, then squinted at the window outside–though it was just the normal view. "Issei?" she asked, and you took note of his name. "He's a middle blocker I think–a third year. He's pretty determined to make it to nationals this year. Why would you ask?"

You shook your head, "just curious, since you mentioned that he was in the volleyball club. Have you ever been to one of their matches?"

"Yes," Yui answered. "My brother–Issei–dragged me to one of the matches against some other school. He's okay, I guess, but I'd say Oikawa-senpai and Iwaizumi-senpai might be Seijoh's best players so far."

"Oikawa-senpai?" you echoed, "Iwaizumi-senpai? What are their positions?"

"Iwaizumi's their ace–he can basically spike through anything. Oikawa's the captain–and their main setter," Yui informed, "his serves are powerful–bone-breaking powerful. Remember how you said there were a lot of girls at the tryouts?"

You nodded.

"Probably his fangirls–Issei-nii complains about them. A lot," she informed, making you wrinkle your nose. 

All those people were fangirls? 

Now you understand why Sumiko had been so determined to chase them out.

Your eyes drifted guiltily to your hands, tracing your palm lines. You sighed, knowing you couldn't entirely blame those fan girls. I mean I guess some could argue I'm no different. After all, I can't say some of this isn't for Kunimi.

"Fangirls?" you echoed Yui, crossing your arms as you did, trying to make sure she didn't see the shift in your mood. "Why don't they try to become the manager or something–instead of bothering with the girl's volleyball team?"

"No girls are allowed to become the manager–apparently they had some great disaster last time," Yui answered, and before you opened your mouth to ask, she continued. "I don't really know the details. Plus, Iwaizumi-senpai said it himself–Oikawa-senpai will love his reflection more than he'll ever love one of his fangirls."

"Ouch," you said, wincing at the thought of that. "Wait–you talked to Iwaizumi-senpai before?"

"Mhm," Yui agreed, "Issei-nii invited the whole team over before." Her face turned a little sour as she added with a scowl, "In fact, he decided it would be just fine to throw a celebration party for the new members last night."

You perked up, "new members? Did you meet any of them?"

"Yeah," Yui didn't seem very interested as she told your very excited face. "Kindaichi Yutaro and Kunimi Akira. They're probably good if their coach wants both of them to be on the starting lineup–though I haven't actually seen them play."

Kunimi Akira.

"What did they seem like?" you asked eagerly, leaning forwards. Don't get your hopes up, it might not actually be him. I'm sure there are other Kunimi Akiras who play volleyball in Miyagi.

"Um," Yui stared down at your face, probably wondering why you looked like you had just tasted ice cream for the first time. "I mean, Kindaichi-san seemed nice, and Kunimi was also nice–if only a little blunt."

"It's him," you whispered, sinking into your chair. You could feel your heart pounding rapidly in your chest, drawing out songs of happiness and anticipation. Would he remember you? Did he miss you? Would he be mad at you? What did he look like now? Still otter-faced?

"Nakamura–no–[Name]-san," Yui said gingerly, as you turned back to look at her. "Why are you crying?"

You touched your face carefully, feeling the welding tears in your eyes. You wiped them away, and laughed again. "Nothing," you answered, "I'm just excited to see my childhood friend." 

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