Donnie Bonding: Guinea Pig

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I was playing by myself with cars then Donnie comes in.

"Hi Donnie!" I greet him as I continue playing with the cars.

"He Y/N!" He greets me back.

He waits a moment as I counitue rolling my cars.

"Would you like to help me with and experiment?" Donnie asks.

"Oh what is it?" I ask. I turn to him with my attention.

Donnie experiment are always fun.

One time we made a small volcano and we made it erupt with kitchen materials.

Then another time he almost blew up the Lair.

But then again that happens weekly.

"I would like you to be my guinea pig!" Donnie explains.

"You want me to eat pellets?" I asked.

"Wha-no" Donnie sighs in frustration. "I it's hard to explain just come!" He says as he grabs my arm.

He takes me to his room where I see many vials filled with a clear liquid.

"Oooo what is this?' I asked.

"It's my experiment." He says as he makes me sit on a stool.

"SO what am i supposed to do?" I ask as I get comfortable.

"Just sit here while I put this on you!" Donnie says putting a red helmet on me.

I had tubes coming out of it and went into the vials.

"Now what?" I ask as I try to adjust the weight is was a little heavy.

"It works like thos emood rings!" he explains. "Think of any memory! And the vial will turn into a certain color to express the emotion!"

"Woah! Donnie your so smart!"

"Thank you" DOnnie says.

Teh vials turnd a green color.

Donnie wrote notes down while I stare in fascantion.

"Ok think of a happy memory!" Donnie says.

Hmm whats a happy a memory.

I think for a moment.

Me playing with my brothers that was a good one.

Raph being a princess!

Also a good one.

Me meeting them fro the frist time.

My mom....

Her kissing me goodnight singing me her creepy but settling lullaby.

I think it was called "Spiders In the House"

I rember her training me and and how to use a sword.

Then I rember dad yelling:


Did she love me?

She was always so busy with work and sometimes didnt pay attention to me...

Did she?

Sometime she would get angry at me for not being able to do the task sheasked me...

Did she?

"Y/N?" I heard Donnie say but he was so distant I didnt mind.

Sometimes she would leave without telling me and begone for days.

Did she?

I suddenly feel angry.

Why Did she get angry when I couldnt do her tasks?!


Why did she leave me without telling me?! I was scared someone hurt her!


"Y/N!!!" I heard Donnie yell as he tackled me down to the ground.

Suddenly all the vials exploded.

The liquid was no longer yellow. They were the color of blood red.

Everything was now a bloody mess the color was returning to it's clear color.

"What happened?!" I ask. I look around ervythign was a mess.

"You must've thought an angry thoughts cause it was red before it exploded!" He exclaims.

"Oh- AM SO SORRY" I say hugging Donnie.

"FOr what?' he asks confused.

"I messed up you experiment and your room!" I yell did he not see the mess I made. "Like me am a mess up..." I say curling up.

"Your my sister!" Donnie exclaim. "Sure sometime you mess up, but that's what make you. YOU. An I like the way you are. Your a beautiful mess." Donnie ex

I lift up my head to see Donnie smiling.

"Thanks Donnie!" I say as I hug him.

"Uhm.... pat pat" He pats me awardkly.

Oh right he doesn't like hugs.

I let go of him.

"You know what! I'll clean up your room it's my mess!" I say as I get up.

"I'll help too!" Donnie says getting up.

We get the towels and start cleaning.

"Spider's in the house sleep sleep~" I softly sing to myself.


A/N: "The Spider's in the House" come from Ninjago all credit goes to them!

I shall make bonding time for all the brothers!

Who do you think I should do next?

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