Lou Justu

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"FIRE IN THE WHOLE" Donnie yelled.

We both jumped onto one side of the catapult making Leofly into the sky.

"AM A BIRD"Leo ytelled as he flapped his wings.

Leo crashed into Dad who was trying to drink tea.

"Gah!" He yells as he fall down.

"Sorry Dad!"Leo said recovering.

"Ot's ok blue' He groans as he gets back up.

Raph threw his foot ball.

I jumped up and cacthed it.

"I HAVE OT NOW!" I yell loudly as I start to run away.

"Y/N! That's NOT FAIR!"Raph yelled as he started chasing after me.

Mikey was just squealing as loud as he could.

"Stop squealing Mikey" Donnie said as he covered his ears.

"BUT I like squealing it's fun!" Mikey said as he counited squealing.

Dad seemed very tired today.

Poor dad...

Then I relzied that Raph was catching up with me.

"AM GOING TO GET YOU!"He yells. He was about to tackle.

I looked around me to see if there was any way oif escape.

We were about to crash into a wall.

I could jump of the wall then Raph could crash into it then I could run again.

Yea let's do that

I jump onto the wall repel myself all the wall.

Something scaly grasb my feet.

Then salms me on the ground I let go of the wall.

"HAH, you thought that trick could trick me again!" Raph laughs as he grabs the football.

"I have to give you that" I said as I rub my hurt face.

Leo was making a pillow fort now.

Donnie grabbed some pillows.

"HEY those are my pillow!" Leo yells at Donnie.

"No their everybody pillows and I wanna use ot for experiment.

"Yea but am using it!" Leo yells again.

"Well am going to use it and you can stop me!" Donnie sticks out his tongue and takes the pillow.

"NO!" Leo yells as he takes back the pillow.

Their going to start fighting again.

Leo and Donnie start throwing fist.

Not really their both scared of getting hurt but they try.

Dad grabs them and is clearly annoyed at their antics.

Even though they continue fighting.

Mikey loud squealing finally breaks a glass.

"WOW!" Mikey yells as he goes over to the broken glass.

We all rush on over to the broken glass.

Dad sighs heavily as he gets the broom.

"How high did you squeal?!" Asked Donnie

"I don't know I just squealed!" Mikey explains.

"That's so cool!" Leo says.

Dad starrs cleaning up our mess that we made.


Dad just put us down for bed.

Which I hate.

Each time I sleep I have bad dreams about the monster.

Then sometimes I dream about Mama and sometime I see her looking for me..

I call out to her but she never sees me.

But I never let anyone know I don't want them to think am weak.

'Always show your strong my little champion'

I hear my mom say that to me sometimes.

They only thing that could scare my bad dreams away was Mama or my spider plush.

But they both weren't here.

We heard fighting outside

Dad was watching an action movie

"Guys..." Raph whispered. "Dad is watching Lou Justu!"


All the turtles and me got up from our bed we sneaked out to see what Dad was watching.

We all peaked from behind the couch,

"OoOOOO it's Lou jutsu!" Leo oohed.

"COOL!" I whisper yell. 'But who is Lou Jutsu?" I aksed.

All the turtles looked at me like I just said the sun exploded.

"Youve never watched Lou Justu!?" Mikey asked as he grabbed me by my bandana.

I shake my head in no

"He's only the greatest hero of ALL time" Donnie said.

"Yea he's the reason why DOnnie has such big eyebrows" Leo smirks.

"Ok?" I say.

"DOn't believe us? Just watch!" Raph said.

Me eyes turned to the screen

Was a man who looked just as ridiculous as he did in his suit.


He wore these cool glasses and wore this ridiculous hair do.

He threw the bad guys into the wall and won.

"See?!" Mikey said.

"Thatw was soo cool!" I squeal.

But I felt like i've seen him before...

His voice sounded very similar too-

"AHAH!" Dad said turning around pointing accusigly at us.

"Oh boi.."I whisper.

"DAD!" Leo said. "We just wanted to see Lou Justu!" He explains

"Your supposed to be in bed!" He yells back at us

"Yea but Y/N Never seen Lou Justu!" Donnie explains.

"And we can't let her miss out out on Lou Justu awesomeness!" Raph counties.

I shake my head in agreement.

"Yea it would be a crime to keep Y/N awau from Lou justu!" Mikey finshed off.

"GOod answer." Dad said.

"You may wacth it. THEN OFF TO BED!" He yells.

"YAY!" We all celebrate and sit in the couch.

After a while my eyes started to get heavy.

And I ended up sleeping while watching Lou Justu

The nightmare didnt come that night

Cause I had a new hero

Lou Justu could scare away my bad dreams now.


A/N: I was bored so I wrote this.

But Now I almost out of Ideas


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