"I Can't Believe You.."

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I got up and I see tommy still sleeping. I realise that it's sunday and let him sleep. I should go take a walk actually. I get dressed and I hear tommy moving. I turn around and he was still sleeping.

I put on my shoes and get out. After I get down the stairs I hear a door open. Maybe it's someone else. Tommy was still sleeping anyway. I go outside. It was a cold day. It's close to raining but hopefully it won't rain.

I heard steps behind but when I turned around to see there was nothing. Maybe I'm just being weird. I keep walking until I get dragged by my hand into a weird place.

"did he get attached to you?"
"do I still have to do it..? I.. I don't really want to"
"you fucking promised."
"you either do it, or I'll make his life a living hell, and we both know what I mean by that" dream says grinning.
"I can't do that to him, dream.. He.."
"you want him to die?"
"no but-"
"great, then go and tell him that you hate him."
"but how do I tell him?"
"Act like you hate him. Act like you're talking shit behind his back"

"I don't like being Tommy's friend, he is the weirdest person ever. Who would want to be friends with a skinny shit? He's-"

"w-what?.." I turn around and see tommy..
"Tommy I-"
"Tommy What? Fucking tommy what? Why are you with dream? Why are you saying those shits about me? Wilbur I thought we were friends! I.. I thought you cared.. I saw you as a big brother.. I was fucking looking up to you.. And you, you.."
"well you aren't that cool now, are you? I never wanted to be your friend." I never wanted to say this.. But I didn't have a choice..

"I can't believe you.." Tommy's hair started getting wet from the rain. It was cold and he was just standing there,with anger in his eyes. Tears streaming down his face. He looked at me.

"I simply can't believe you.. I thought you were different. That you actually cared.. All of that time we spent together was for nothing." the guilt was building and rotting inside of me. I just wanted to apologise over and over again, hoping that we could get along again..

Hoping that he wont hate me.. Hoping that we'll be there for eachother. I just know that that's not possible. It's not even my fault this has happened.

"I can't believe you.." he was coming towards me.
"please tell me this is all a dream.. A joke.."
"piss off kid" Tommy looked at me in the eyes. And saying once again.
"I can't believe you" before running off in the rain. I turn to dream totally pissed.

"you ruined everything."
"he deserved that"
"you didn't just ruin him. You ruined me."
I look at him with eyes red with anger. Anger mixed with sadness.

"fucking why. Why do you have to be the one to ruin everything? Why would you do that? What's wrong with you?"
"nothing is wrong with me. Don't you get it wilbur? Tommy shouldn't be happy."
"no you don't get it. You should be the one who has anxiety. And you should be the one who can't trust people. You should be the one to be depressed and tired from fucking everything. So why don't you just as yourself 'why am I doing this?' because nothing you did makes sense"

I look at dream who was just laughing like a maniac. I punch him in the face as hard as I could and he fell to the ground, passing out.
I need to find Tommy.. It's all my fault. I should've never agreed to this.. But then he could've hurt him.. I should think about it later. I need to find Tommy. I ran in the rain tears down my face every time I was thinking about what happened, I was thinking about it always.

I get to the dorm and I enter. Tommy was locked in the bathroom.
"Tommy, are you inside?" I was hoping he would answer with a funny thing like 'I'm shitting' or something but no. It wasn't a funny answer.

"leave. I don't want to see you.. I don't want you to get what you want"
"Tommy please, let me explain.."
"fucking leave, I don't want you to see me this way"
"w-what do you mean?.." his silent crying could be heard. Something was wrong.. He did something, something stupid.. Very stupid..

"Tommy please open the door.. I'll explain it to you.. I didn't mean a thing" tommy unlocked the door and when I went in.. Tommy's hand was bleeding having cuts everywhere. His face was full of tears and red. I hug the blonde boy, feeling him shacking.

"wilbur I-.."
"let me help you with those and then we'll talk about it, okay?" Tommy nodded. God I really fucked up. I look at him with a worried look before asking.

"can I wash your hands? It's going to hurt."
He nodded again, letting me wash his hands.

I put his hands under the cold water and I heard a yelp coming from him. I take his hands quickly and wrap them in a soft bandage, making sure that it's not too tight.

"thank you" tommy said. His face was numb but he still had tears in his eyes.
We sat down next to eachother.
"explain yourself" he said giving me an mad look.

"when we got put into the same dorm after we went to the market dream asked me if I'm up for a deal. He told me to make you attach to me and after make you sad. I didn't want to but he said he'll hurt you and I didn't want you to get hurt. So-"
"so you agreed"
"yeah.. Look I'm sorry.. I wouldn't have agreed if he didn't threaten to hurt you"
"I understand wilbur.. But did you actually mean what you said?"

"no tommy, you're like a little brother to me. I'm genuinely sorry you had to go through all of that.."

"it's okay wilbur, really.. I forgive you"
"Tommy you can't assure me about that.. You will never forget what happened 100%"
"wil it's okay, you did it for me to be okay." and then the boy hugged me.

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