He Seems Cool

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Tw- fainting, injuries

I wake up and notice tommy isn't in bed. I guess he has classes early. I get up and go straight to the bathroom. I shower and then go eat in the kitchen. I then notice that there's no more coke.

I should go buy some, tommy clearly needs it. I grab my coat and my wallet and go to the supermarket. After all we also need groceries, Don't we? I get into the store and start buying whatever we might need and sweets. After I was done I go and pay.

"that will be 132£ please"
I give the money then thay give me a weird stare.
"I think I know you.. Have you been here before?" oh shit. If they remember I stole a shopping cart with tommy I'm dead.
"uh no. No I haven't."

"oh alright" then I grab my things and get out of the store. I went into the dorm and put the things in the fridge.

I get a phone call.
"hi mate, wanna meet me and techno in the library?"
"yeah sure, I'll see you guys there"
"great" I hung up and walked out of the dorm locking it.


"yeah but sometimes murder is cool"
"techno, how could murder be fine?"

"come on, lets see what's going on" we all go to the place and see tommy on top of some boy punching him. His nose was bloody and he looked like someone just destroyed his whole entire life. Like someone killed shroud.

Me and phil pull the boys apart and I see that the boy tommy was punching is jared. The boy who used to bully me. I take tommy aside.

"tommy, what happened?"
"he said some mean things about my friends. He's the one who told me I'm too skinny and he's the one who gave me a bloody nose yesterday."

"Tommy look, he's not worth it. Just ignore him."
"I tried but he just.. He pins me to the lockers, which also gave me a big ass bruise on my back, and starts saying mean things. So I say them back. Like "your breath stinks" it actually really does. Maybe he will actually wash his teeth one day"

I let out a sigh knowing that tommy will get in trouble.
"what did he say about your friends tommy?"
"well first he said that tubbo is fat and that ranboo is too tall, then said that you don't have a life. So I just ended up beating the shit out of him. Just because he hates himself doesn't mean he has to be a jerk towards others"
"you're right, but please don't ever do that again. You'll get into trouble"

"okay" tommy said smiling at me with the biggest smile I have ever seen. I see a short boy and a really tall one come over to Tommy.
"guys I'm okay, I didn't die. I'm alive" then I see Tommy nearly fall as tubbo held him.

"woah woah, are you okay?"
"do you have anything sweet?"
"oh shit, low blood pressure, guys make sure he doesn't hit his head when he falls. Tommy don't you carry any sweets?"
"in my locker, but it's on the other floor" then I see the blonde boy fall in the shorter's hands. I helped him hold tommy and we got him to the dorm.

When he wakes up I'll give him sweets. I will always have sweets at me. Always.

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