Not Bad At All

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I woke up and got ready to go to the competition. For some reason tommy wasn't in bed so I decided to go without him.

I thought he would come too, I mean,he was the one who signed me up. I get out of the room and started walking down the stairs carrying my guitar.

When I get downstairs I get ready emotionally and leave to college where the competition is going to be.

I got there and we behind the Scene to get ready. Then I heard my name.


Oh god I'm so gonna be made fun of. I get onto the scene and look at the people. They were all staring weirdly.

"uh so for today, I'm going to sing soft boy"

I start singing and then I see everyone laugh.. They were all making fun of me and calling me weird.. This wasn't the best idea. My stomach started getting full of anger. This is all Tommy's fault. Then I feel a smell of pancakes.

WILBUR! WAKE UP" I started getting distracted by the sounds and woke up. It was all a dream.

"what time is it?.."
"7, the competition starts at 9. You have to make your voice soft and not cracky."
"cracky?" I say as my voice cracked. God I hate voice cracks.

"come to eat! I made pancakes. I also got burned but that doesn't matter"
"let me see" and tommy raises his sleeve and I see the biggest burn ever.

"how the fuck did you manage to do that?"
"I was making tea and when I wanted to put it in the cup I dropped it" Tommy said smiling innocently.

"you're such an idiot"
"so I made you Breakfast and that's how you treat me? How mean of you wilbur soot"
"oh shut up"


"WILBUR GET READY FOR FUCK SAKE. WE'RE LEAVING IN FUCKING 5 MINUTES" I was putting a sweater on and some jeans when I heard tommy scream my name.

I went to check on him and I saw him being mad.
"put your shoes on and lets go." I put my shoes on, grabbed my guitar and we started walking to the college, after we got downstairs, of course.

We were walking down the street when tommy asked.
"are you Excited?"
"no, I didn't want to do this"
"oh. Well, you'll have fun"

We got there and see someone performing, after the person was done I got called on stage.

"what will you be doing?"
"uh singing"
"name of the song?"
"soft boy. I wrote it"

I start singing and everyone was vibing to it. I could see tommy all happy and jumpy but I had no idea why. When I was done I got off the stage and lots of people came towards me to tell me how great that was.

"wilbur that was so good"
"did you write any other song?"
"where can I listen to it?"

"uhm I'm sorry, I can't talk now, I'm looking for my friend." I go to look for tommy and see him in the hallway.

Tommy was jumping up and down with a bright smile on his face.
"what are you so happy about?" oh god.. There goes his high pitched scream.

"yeah I noticed."
"wilbur you were great!!!" tommy said excitedly.

"is that why you are so happy?" tommy started nodding and then shoved his hand in his pocket getting out some candy's.

He gave me one and then ate one for himself.

"COME ON!!" we ran to the room only to hear my name being screamed.

"WILBUR SOOT!!!" the principal said.
Then he made a gesture that I should go onto the stage and grab the trophy.

I get on the stage and the principal handed me the microphone.
"uh thank you.. I uh.. I couldn't have sang here if my friend Tommy didn't sign me up. So thank you tommy. If anyone wants to listen to the song I sang, it's on every app you can listen to music on" then I handed back the microphone and went back right next to tommy, who hugged me after he saw me


This is so bad

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