"Forget the girl! Grab the boy!" One of the men shouted before dashing forward towards Harry.

Darcy whipped around and shot the prongs at his crotch after pressing a trigger on the side, next to the activation switch. "He's ranged too dumbass!"

The men jumped back in fear, having not expected her to be able to hit them from a distance. This changed everything, as well as left many wondering if they shouldn't just back out now while they still could.

"Idiots! You have wands, start using them!" One man snapped.

Darcy raised a brow at that. "Wands? What, I'm being attacked by a bunch of fairy godmothers?" Darcy had to duck as one of the men swung their stick/wand at her and red sparks flew through the air at her. "Shit! Come on." Darcy grabbed Harry around the waist and bolted, easily jumping over the guy she'd peppered sprayed. Whoever these men were they clearly wanted Harry, and they wanted him badly. 'Dad you better hurry up and get back here before my tazer runs out of juice and my pepper spray can ends up empty.' Darcy thought and she ran.


As Loki had expected Fudge was hoping to use the trial of Sirius Black to get on his good side. Claiming he had no idea Sirius hadn't gotten a trial, and how Crouch would pay for this injustice, amongst other things. For the most part Loki ignored him, enjoying the way the Minister was sweating, and paling a little more with each failed attempt to get Loki to speak with him. When Loki spotted Amelia entering the room Loki walked over to her, casting a glare at Fudge when he tried to follow him.

"Sirius will be here soon, I dare say he will be glad to finally be getting this trial." She told him.

"You seem concerned. Is anything the matter?" Loki asked her, noticing how uneasy she appeared.

Amelia sighed. "There are many that, regardless of if he is innocent or not, would rather he not be cleared of all charges. Those that stand to gain most by having him locked away. And given the state he will most likely be in, I fear they may try to finish what Azkaban started for them."

Loki nodded in understanding. He knew what kind of things happened in Azkaban, as well as what guards it, having read books on the place. However he got the sense that there was more to her concerns then just that. "Is there anything else?"

Amelia appeared torn for a moment, struggling with herself over wether she should tell him or not. But in the end she shook her head. "It doesn't matter right now. All that matters is the trial and proving Sirius's innocence."

Loki decided to leave it be. Whatever Amelia wasn't telling him was clearly something she felt not important to the trial or Sirius's wellbeing. "I take it everything is in order then?" He asked in stead.

Amelia smiled, grateful that he'd dropped the matter. "Yes, once he is here the trial will start and he will be able to explain everything that happened that night four years ago." Amelia's eyes looked about the room and stopped on one man. "Of course he would be here."

Loki turned his head to where Amelia was looking and noticed a pale blond man walking toward them.

"The snake, he stands to gain the most if Sirius remains in Azkaban, as his son is in line to inherit everything from the Black family." Amelia whispered before the man was close enough to hear them.

"Prince Loki," The man bowed. "I am Lucius Malfoy. I must say this is a great honor. My family have always remained loyal to you, even when others began to turn away from you."

"I must admit I am surprised by how many still know my name so well. Given how long it has been since I last truly walked amongst all of you." Loki gave Lucius a polite smile, easily seeing that he wanted to get in good with Loki for his own agenda. Loki was truly hating how many of these worms held seats of power.

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