"Hey Myra" I called her.

"Where is Meera?" She looked at my back.

"She left"

"Ohh. Actually technicians gave her ultra sound images for baby."


"You wanna see?" She was beyond excited.

"Is this even a question?" I jumped at my place. "Of course!"

"Here you go."

I opened envelop to see my baby. I could not understand looking at black and white picture. But Myra helped me.

"Your baby is so cute."


And then everything collapsed as Meera ran away betraying me.

Her betrayal filled my life with darkness, making my heart void.

I could not breath in the house where I had dreamt of living with Meera and my son as small happy family. I left my penthouse to shift in this current one.

I had bought this house when I got to know about Meera's pregnancy by chance. Else she might have successfully killed our baby even without letting me know, today I strongly feel this.

Now, when I try to see all those events, those memories, those moments they look so empty, fake. Meera had created facade of perfect family in front of my eyes.

And the best part of her drama was I fell for it.

I feel disgusted about them.

Meera was not even interested in informing me about her pregnancy but I got to know being director on the hospital's management body.

And Meera successfully turned it in her favour convincing me that she had planned a surprise for me. My blind trust over her cause me the worst betrayal of my life.

I will never be able to trust anyone now. Thanks to you Meera.

It came as shock for me when her obstetrician informed about Meera's planned c-section when we drilled her post Meera's episode. She had bribed doctor to create fake reports. She wanted to get rid of our baby as soon as possible. She even disregarded doctor's warning that early c-section could cause our baby's life.

Did she wanted to kill our baby?

Thank god nothing happened to my Neev, else I would have killed you Meera with my bare hands.

Due to pre-mature delivery Neev was in NICU. Myra was there with him. I was allowed to go inside only for few minutes in a day.

Over past few months, I felt Myra was different but no.

By accepting this loveless marriage she proved she is a true Sehgal.

Betrayal, disloyalty, greediness runs in her veins as blood. I have to kick her out of this house and my son's life as soon as possible.

I don't know what miracle she had done on Neev.

I mean my own son, my own blood wants to jump in her arms the moment his eyes lands on her. He was hitting me with his tiny fist when today, I started walking out of my father's study. Finally, I had to give up in front of his cryings. I cannot hear his sobbing. It kills me every-time.

He jumped in her arms and started giggling. I have to make him remind he is my son. I am his father and she is no one for us.

Neev always gets pissed off when I put him in car seat. It is big chaos when I had to drive him somewhere as he keeps on crying his heart out and sleeps after getting tired. But today for the first time when I was coming back home he was smiling, he was playing with his toys.

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