Chapter 27

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Angel walked around as if she were stepping on air.
The secret she held close to her chest illuminated her. She carried that feeling with her as they arrived at the farm, and saw people milling about.
Everyone was making themselves useful; not one person sat idle. Now, standing on the porch she looked down at everyone.
In the midst of it all, Angel saw Conner. Her heart leapt.
Trestle tables had been set up around the outside of the front of the farmhouse, which matched the farm store below in color. Both Robert and Raymond lived in the large house on top of the small rise behind the building their store was in.
It was an old mansion; one that Angel assumed had stood for years, and had been built back in the late 1800's, at least. The double-story brick exterior with it's terra cotta roof, and front porch resonated with that time period.
On the slopes of the garden in front of the house, leading down to the dirt road, which in turn lead to the farmer's organic shop in the distance, had been set as the designated party area.
Angel kept her eyes on Conner.
He moved about, carrying heavy containers that held iced water, for everyone to put their drinks into. She watched as water sloshed over the side and wet his feet, and he groaned, hurrying to get the task done, dropping the container in it's place, sending more water sailing over the side, causing him to jump out the way, laughing.
He must have arrived while she'd been helping prepare food in the kitchen with the 'womenfolk'.
Robert and Raymond had been chased out when they'd labeled the group of ladies slicing and dicing with that title.
Michelle had thrown a potato, causing Annabelle and Marlene to double over in their laughter. Robert had caught it easily, and then blew her a kiss, making her smile sweetly.
Happiness seemed to seep from Angel's pores, and as she'd spent over an hour with the other women peeling potatoes and chopping vegetables and making salads, she'd had a brilliant time.
Looking down the hill towards the farm, and its sprawling fields beyond, Angel sighed. From her vantage point on the porch, she could see for miles. This was a great place.
She noticed a car that she didn't recognize parked next to her yellow Jeep, and wondered if it belonged to Conner's parents.
They hadn't arrived by the time Angel, Michelle and Robert had. Only Sienna, Jackson, Bo and his kids, and Yvonne and Raymond had been around when Angel had walked up the short road from the store. Yvonne's family were delayed by the traffic.
All cars were being parked at the bottom there, next to the big barn, in order for the newly manicured lawn to be kept in one piece.
Deidre Grayson approached Angel from behind now, studying the beautiful woman who watched her son with love in her gaze.
"So, you're the one who's got my boy looking so happy?"
Angel jumped guiltily as she'd just been caught out ogling the now shirtless man while he continued to help out in the afternoon sun.
He'd removed his shirt to help maneuver the barbeque, and avoid a mess on the clean button up. His father was helping him, and had also removed his shirt, but had been wearing a white tank underneath, and kept that on.
They presented quite the sight. Two enormous men, gloriously muscled and flexing as they carried heavy things.
"Hi, Mrs. Grayson, it's really lovely to meet you," Angel stuck out her hand to the small woman, knowing her from the photo Conner had shown her.
Deidre looked Angel up and down, and her eyes narrowed as she zoned in on Angel's face.
Angel's stomach tightened.
"Call me Deedee," she smiled, and Angel relaxed. "Conner tells me you're a baker?"
Angel turned to face the woman fully now, and nodded when she indicated the two seats on the porch sofa.
"Yes, I am. I'm just in the process of getting my bakery back up and running again," Angel said, taking a seat next to the other woman.
"I heard about the fire. I'm terribly sorry," Deidre leant over and placed a hand on hers.
"I'm trying to see the positive, and it's a chance for me to try and spice things up. Maybe you would be willing to discuss design ideas with me? Conner told me that you're a highly sought after interior designer. I would love your input, and be happy to pay for your expertise."
A shinning light entered Deidre's eyes as she listened to Angel describing the open plan storefront she'd already commissioned from the architect, Georgie.
"That sounds wonderful! I would love to see that myself. You know, all the pastries and delicacies moving along the conveyor belts and such. Very clever," Deidre clapped her hands excitedly. "Maybe even have a section of your store dedicated to DIY? You know, do-it-yourself? Where your visitors can come make their own donuts or cupcakes? Oh, you could offer baking classes! And groups could book the area out for special events, and you could serve champagne!"
Angel laughed delightedly at the woman bustling in front of her.
She may be tiny, but she was a ball of energy, and brimming with ideas. Before long, Conner appeared at the base of the stairs leading up to the porch.
"Mother, leave Angel alone," Conner teased as he climbed the stairs and approached the two of them.
Angel felt her blood surge at the sight of him shirtless and sweat slicked.
He bent over to kiss his mother on the cheek, before coming over to her and dropping a kiss on her head, cupping her face and running a warm thumb across her cheek.
"I was just telling Angel what I thought she should do with her bakery," Deidre said happily. Then she winced. "Sorry, I didn't mean to run away with you like that. I tend to get excited with new projects."
"Don't apologize! I love your ideas, they sound exactly like something I would want. It would make my store very unique," Angel smiled.
"I like her, Conner. She has good taste," Deidre laughed prettily.
Conner rolled his eyes as he pushed away from the porch railing he'd leant against briefly. "Just popping upstairs for a quick shower, then I'll be back down. Angel, my Dad wants to meet you. Think you can handle him?" Conner raised an eyebrow at her in challenge.
"I handle you just fine, don't I?" She teased, returning the raised brow, and then flushed when Deidre burst out laughing.
"I mean, I don't, we haven't, well, actually we have, but it's not... Oh, god."
"I really like her," the older woman said as Angel fled. She heard Conner laugh with his mother and agree. "Me, too."
Well, that was promising.
Angel felt a smile pull the corners of her mouth wide as she approached Frank Grayson.
This man made her nervous. He was so much like Conner, that she desperately wanted him to like her.
He creased his eyes in a smile as she approached.
"Well, you can't be anyone other than Angel," he was wiping his hands on a kerchief, and when she reached him he pulled her into him for a hug, completely throwing her off balance.
"Oh, okay, yes, I mean, I am," Angel stumbled when he released her.
"With a name like that, I expected some soft little thing, not this tall beauty," He stood back to look her up and down. "I'm glad. You look strong and capable. The name suits."
"Um, thanks?" Angel pursed her lips as she tried to accept it as a compliment.
Realizing he may have offended her, he put his hands to her shoulders.
"I only meant that I can't stand meek women. Women need to have spine," he smiled, satisfied with himself.
Goodness, he made her want to do handstands to prove herself. He winked, and smiled a smile she was so familiar with, that she immediately relaxed around him.
"I have to say," he stepped closer to her. "You have your mother's eyes, and I am honored to meet you," he rumbled on.
Angel reeled.
"You knew my mom?" She asked wide-eyed.
"She filmed in my town when Conner was just a kiddo. I spent a great deal of time on set working with the security team, and so I had a chance to get to know her a little," he smiled, his chest puffing out slightly at the importance he'd had with his previous job. "She loved you, and spoke of you often."
Unexpected tears welled up in her eyes.
Oh, no. Don't cry. Stop. Just stop it, right now.
"Sorry," Angel said as she wiped at the tears.
She was only just pregnant, and her damn hormones were already out of control. Thoughts of the baby made the tears fall faster.
She laughed at herself, and how ridiculous her tears were.
"I'm sorry, darling. I didn't mean to make you cry," Frank stepped forward and, in a move his son often made, wiped his thumb across her cheek. It soothed her.
"It's alright. I just miss her is all," she shrugged, and smiled.
"I was sorry to hear of her passing," a darkness touched his eyes. "And I'm damn sorry to hear about this nonsense with this man who has set his sights on you."
Angel was taken aback by the sudden about face his mood had taken.
This must be the protector side of him. The side of him that had been Sheriff for over thirty years. Conner had inherited more than just his looks and smile from his father. It was in the straight line of his strong shoulders, and the glint of fury in his eyes that brooked no argument.
Angel could only nod.
Jackson came screaming around the side of the house just then, sending Angel's heart into her throat at the yelling until she noticed the two young dogs falling over themselves as they chased after the little boy.
Jackson saw Angel, and without thinking raced towards her and leapt. She caught him in a swinging motion, and held him high on her side as he laughed loudly at the dogs jumping to lick at his feet.
"And who is this?" Frank asked.
"This is Jackson. Jackson, this is Conner's father, Frank," Angel made the introduction, and watched as Jackson's eyes rounded as he took in the large man.
"You hero Sheriff Conner's daddy?" His little voice turned shy as he looked up at the big man, dropping his chin to rest on Angel's shoulder.
"That's right. Hero Conner is my son," Frank said proudly. And when Frank smiled at him, Jackson slid down to stand in front of him and stuck out his hand.
"It's a plesh to meet you, sir," Jackson said seriously.
Frank ruffled the boys hair with one hand as he took the extended one and shook it.
"It's wonderful to meet you, young man. Now go play with those pups. They seem to be waiting on you," Frank laughed as the boy raced off with the dogs following closely behind.
"Great kid," Frank said.
"He is," Angel agreed.
Thoughts of her own baby on her mind, her eyes turned dreamy.
"Yours?" Frank said.
"No, he belongs to my best friend Michelle," Angel said pointing her friend out across the lawn, who Robert was just walking past and planting a kiss on, as he made his way towards the barbeque with trays of food.
"Good for Robbie," Frank commented. Frank looked at her with scrutiny, then his eyes dropped to her hands, which had lifted to rest on her stomach.
His narrowed eyes widened as she pulled her hands away a little too quickly in a rather telling motion.
"Wait, don't," was all Angel had managed to get out before Frank grabbed her in a hug and he let out a whoop.
"That's excellent news! Were you two waiting to tell us when we were together? I'm sorry for ruining the surprise, but I think it's fantastic. Hoo-wee, grandpa," he slapped a hand to his forehead.
"Wait, Frank, wait," Angel needed to calm the man down before he got too carried away.
She grabbed his hand and pulled on it until he looked at her. His face creased into the biggest smile she had ever seen. "I haven't told Conner yet. I only just found out. Please don't say anything!"
"Oh!" He rounded his eyes, smiling brightly at her. "Of course, of course."
Angel rolled her eyes at him. The man was vibrating with excitement. If he were a dog, he'd be wriggling around like one of those pups, his tail wagging so hard he'd fall over.
She didn't doubt that by the end of the night everyone would know she was expecting. Best to get it done then, and let the chips fall where they may.
The sky was darkening, and the fireworks display was due to start soon. Raymond had already sent the man they'd hired for it off to the field below to set up.
Angel walked up to the house to find Conner.
She had to tell him now.
Yvonne called her as she passed through the front room.
"Angel, your phone has been ringing non-stop for the last five minutes."
"My phone?" Angel frowned. Her phone was in the back pocket of the cut-off jeans she was wearing. Her hand felt for it now, and closed around the device secured there.
"Yeah, this is your bag right?" Yvonne handed Angel her handbag.
"Strange," she said as it started ringing again. The shrill sound coming from within nothing like the traditional bell she had opted for her smart phone.
Reaching in, she closed her hand around the pregnancy tests from earlier, and her heart stuttered. She shot her eyes around the room in a quick scan.
Yvonne had gone outside, so she was alone in the house.
She found the cellphone, still ringing.
It was an old flip-style type, one she hadn't seen in years.
Angel answered it thinking she would ask the caller who they were looking for so she could find the owner and return it.
The voice on the other side stopped her cold.
"Hello, Angel. Took you long enough to answer."

Angel's HeroDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora