I sighed, turned on Vivaldi's The Four Seasons on my laptop, which made it easier for me to learn the script, and then started reading the lines. But instead of learning my lines, I pretended to be conducting an orchestra. Maybe Vivaldi wasn't the best idea...

I got the lead role, our writer told me that it was mainly Annie who wanted me in that role.  I remembered what she said about it.

— Don't worry, I won't make you wear contacts to make your eyes blue like Pierre's, but we'll lighten your hair a little if you don't mind.

Initially, she even wanted to give me highlights in two shades of brown and blonde, but eventually she changed her mind.

I didn't mind, so now I was parading my possessions around my light brown hair with a shade like milk chocolate, trying to get used to this new look.  Normally when I dyed my hair I used an easily washable color spray or shampoo, here we used bleach and dye.  Initially, after the first phase of this experiment, my hair was the color of the feathers of a tiny, yellow duckling, and Nu and Annie couldn't help but take photos of me, which of course they immediately shared with their Instagram followers.  I was just pretending to be pissed off to beg for a kiss from New like that, when I was actually having a great time.  I barely stopped them from trying to dye my eyebrows too!  Although Annie and Fluke got purple eyebrows as a joke, thinking it was very funny.

The time since we worked together passed very quickly and it became easier and easier for us to talk about literally anything.  We even went to a Formula 1 race in Italy.  It was just a business trip with a lot of work, our performances and photo shoots, but I thought it was time well spent.  We brought from there not only souvenirs and lots of photos, but also wonderful memories that will stay with us forever.

I have to admit that Saint and I didn't even argue, we just tried to ignore each other for as long as possible.  What I don't understand is the look on his face every time I caught him staring at me.  Why did he look like he felt sorry for me?  Does he even know what "compassion" means, does he even have an ounce of empathy and understanding? Why did he even apply for this audition?  as if it all just happened yesterday.

I winced and waved my hand in frustration.  I haven't felt so lonely in a long time.  Especially since today I spent most of my time on the set with Ohm and Fluke.  Both are extremely talented, hardworking and agreeable.  They used every opportunity to touch, hold hands, hug or kiss each other.  And I had to watch it, and it hurt me mostly because the last time I saw Nu was during our argument.  I was so lost then!  A few days earlier, he himself said that he would like to tell the fans about our relationship, and then suddenly he changed his mind and began to persuade me that we should remain hidden after all.  I didn't understand him, I had no idea what made him suddenly change his mind, because he was always the one who insisted on telling the truth, he was the one who convinced me that nothing bad would happen, that the fans would understand us.

It wasn't until the name "Sky" came up that I understood everything. It became extremely obvious. P'Sky had already taken someone very important away from me, someone who taught me a lot and who was my idol, we were friends, and I liked him, wanted to tell him and when I finally wanted to give it a try, he was brutally taken from me, but to this day I don't know if what he did then was on P'Sky's orders (although that thought didn't occur to me until I saw him through the window  talking to NuNew - yes, I saw them. I saw them hugging and I felt betrayed, cheated, and only after some time did it occur to me that maybe P'Sky was behind all this? Could it be that  Saint was given the task of breaking up our relationship as well as me and now he wanted to contact me? Is it possible that he regretted what he did and wanted to fix it? Or is he just a spy for P'Sky?) I wanted to ask  that's Nu, but I also knew I couldn't push him too much. New likes t  keep his secrets to himself, if something bothers him, it's hard to get it out of him.

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