"And also, I personally like playing with balls. Especially these ones." He joked as he let out a faint smile as he grabbed my ballsacks and started rubbing them together

"Well, I personally like playing with these more." I teased as I rubbed his nipple

"Arghhh, I get it. Stahpppp." He moaned in pleasure as he pushed my hand away.

"I just came, don't blueballs me." He complained as he continued laying on my chest.

"Got it got it." I replied my hand going back to it's original position of being around him.

"So what should we do now?" I asked, a bit confused

"Sleep, I'm tired after all that." He said closing his eyes

"What?? It's only like 11pm." I complained

"This is why you're always asleep during classes. Try sleeping earlier for once." He said as he drifted to sleep on my chest. I also fell asleep too not long after that.




I feel so good...

It feels just like yesterday when Arin was sucking me off. Wait a minute...

My eyes opened slowly as I looked down to see a head bobbing up and down my morning boner.

"Good morning." He greeted then proceeded to continue sucking on my erect member

I was confused for a moment but then decided to why question something good happening so I just relaxed while looking at his beautiful emerald eyes. He proceeded to suck on my cock and play with my balls at times before me climaxing.

I climaxed in his mouth as he seemed to gobble it all up.

"Thanks for the breakfast." He said lewdly while sticking out his tongue to show that he swallowed it all

"How bout you? You need me to help you?" I said while I smirked but then noticed the white sticky liquid on my leg

"Hehe. I came seconds before you woke up." He said slyly while winking. I then proceeded to dip my finger in his seed and put it in my mouth.

"Mmmmmm... twink cum... delicious" I teased as he blushed a bit.

"So I'm going to take a bath. Want to join me?" I invited while the both of us got up.

"Yea sure. Of course I want to take a bath with my future husband." He said as he took a towel from my closet

"Take some of my clothes too, I'll put ours in the washing machine while you take a pick." I said as I grabbed the clothes we threw on the ground yesterday

"Don't clean the bra. I need that." He reminded as I threw the bra I just grabbed to him.

We then proceeded to the bathroom together and couldn't help but make out a bit while we took a hot shower. We put on our clothes and the both of us proceeded to eat some breakfast. We only have a few minutes left before class starts so we decided to head out. He clinged to my arm as we walked out and we look just like any other couple... except for the fact that we were 2 dudes but that's another matter entirely.

We headed out when disaster struck. We saw Todd standing right outside my house staring at us in shock. His mouth agape and his eyes moving back and forth between the both of us.

"Y-you two..." he uttered in shock as he pointed at us

Arin and me quickly switched the way we were walking and were further apart now.

"This isn't what it looks like." I tried to lie as I was standing away from Arin already missing his warmth on my body.

"You two are together aren't you... you two are gay... wait... Arin came out of your house... that means... YOU TWO HAD GAY SEX?!?!?" He was muttering when he suddenly shouted the last part making the enitre neighborhood hear the predicament.

"Well... well... we technichally didn't have gay sex." Arin blurted out as he looked away as he pointed his two fingers together, his face redder than any moment I've seen before.

"TECHNICHALLY?!? You two definitely did something fucking lewd together. I can't believe it. The only two friends I have at uni are gay." He said, dropping to his knees, looking defeated

"Shut the fuck up." I scolded as I softly karate chopped him in the head

"Owwwww" he said while rubbing his head

"Look I'm not gay and neither is Arin. It's just that we happen to like each other and are dating now. And we both just happen to be guys." I explained trying to cope eith the situation, still denying that I'm gay.

He stared at me dumbfounded like I was the biggest idiot in the world while Arin gave me a sweet thumbs up

"You know what you're describing is still called being gay right?" He said staring at me awkwardly

"You know what. Whatever. Gay, straight, I don't fucking care. I love Arin and nothing in the world is goint to change that." I panickly explained but ended up digging myself in a deeper hole. I saw Arin blushing like a tomato as he looked at me in awe.

"You... love me?" He said coming closer to me while I just stared at him, just now realizing whay I said a few seconds ago.

Well, it's too late to go back now.

"Of course. I love you." I said as I also walked towards Arin. I noticed that he seems to be holding back a few tears when we were right in front of each other.

"No one has ever said that to me." He said smiling while he leaned in and kissed me on the lips.

"I love you too, David." He said blushing. It was a beautiful moment which was sadly interrupted.

"Could you two stop being so lovey dovey in front of me." Todd groaned when he came in the middle of us and pushed the both of us away from each other

"You jealous I have a cute boyfriend?" I teased him

"Ew, what the fuck. No. I don't swing that way." He answered quickly before continuing

"You two can't do this at school alright? So get the lovey dovey stuff out of the way before we go there." He said sternly

"If you two do this at school, do you know how much scrutiny you two'll get from the other students? Not to mention the teachers." He lectured while I rolled my eyes

"But..." Arin tried to interject when Todd continued

"If everyone finds out you two are gay they'll assume I'm gay too! And then I'll never get a girlfriend." He complained as I sighed. Just when I thought he was thinking about our safety. Turns out he was only thinking about himself getting a girlfriend.

"Look, we know all that alright. We know that the entire nation hates gay people and we'll be careful not to get caught alright?" I grunted as we finished our conversation and the three of us walked to school together. With Arin and me being seperated by Todd in the middle.

"Do you think me and David can walk together?" Arin said as he tried to move Todd out of the way

"No! If you two walk together you'll hold hands then kiss then hug and eventually have gay sex. And I'm not risking any of that." He declined firmly

"Don't mind him. He's got quite an imagination. Why do you think he thinks that he has a chance with women?" I joked at Todd's expense while Arin laughed

"Hey, rude." He muttered, not able to think of a response.

The three of is walked together as we went to university. Time can only tell if things'll go smoothly or not...

The Boy A Life Awayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें